You're the definetion of fuckboy (chapter five)

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*edited* if I didn't see anything though let me know in the comments!

I finally got to the apartment door and opened it as I walked into the apartment I see a women's bright pink bra on the floor leading to Liam's room.

And it's definitely not mine it's like two cup sizes bigger and though I'm not hurt by this it does make me highly uncomfortable because the sounds that are coming from that door aren't innocent trust me.

I'm also extremely amused at the fact he has confirmed he is a fuckboy and gives me more reason to not like him. I don't know why this realization was so funny in my head but to my disbelief, it was the funniest thing I've felt in so long.

I tried to hold back the chuckle but the more I held back the worst it got soon enough I finally broke held my stomach in pain and I fell onto the floor dying of laughter not just because of how I find this amusing but then I start laughing because I'm laughing because in some way my laughing makes me laugh more.

I here a shuffle and a door open beside me I'm still laughing hysterically when I here a gruffy "what are you doing?" that comes from Liam's mouth.

I rolled over and looked at the half-dressed Liam and blond bombshell looking girl glaring at me I try to pull myself together knowing that this was not professional though that really doesn't help especially when a half-naked Liam is in front of you.

Once I finally got a hold of myself enough to start to rais my body halfway up from my previous position I'm was still chuckling though but when I raised my eyes in the crouching position.

I immediately felt heat creep up my cheeks my eyes landed on a certain body part that is barley clothed in a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and extremely close to my face might I add.

Well, that shuts me up. I immediately rose up on my feet and I eyed Liam who was currently looking at me with a smirk spreading on his face.

"I'm so sorry that was inappropriate of me" I squeaked my eyes focusing on Liam then the girl and Liam once again "please continue" I grimace at what I said not meaning for it to come out that way.

Liam just looked amused at my words, not at all bothered by the girl sending me death glares I immediately turned around and started walking very fast might I add to my room wanting out of this awkward situation though still laughing a little i quickly closed the door behind me and went into my bathroom to change into some comfy clothes.

I was still giggling when I walked out of the bathroom about 5 minutes later. I honestly didn't know why I found this situation so funny because it really wasn't but I just did.

My eyes immediately landed on a smirking Liam "wow you really do have a problem with knocking" I said smiling through the knocking thing is annoying I secretly didn't mind it too much after a while I've just gotten used to it.

"And you clearly have a problem with laughing very hard at my door," he replied back with a chuckle.

"Hey it's not my fault what would you do if you came back to the apartment and found some random guys underwear on the floor and some ungodly noises coming from my room" I said with a smirk on my face yes me with a smirk on my face he is really starting to rub off on me.

He looks at me with disgust "yeah I'd have probably done worse" I looked at him confused wanting to know what he would have done.

"Yeah what would you have done?" he grinned at me "I'd probably start singing birthday by Rihanna  at your door".

"No you wouldn't have," I said but he looks at me and I know he was completely serious "you're serious?".

"I'll make sure not to bring any guys over at least while you're around" he immediately retorted "oh please the only guy you want to be in bed with is me" he points to his bare chest.

"Oh you so can't say that right after you just slept with a girl" I looked at him incredulously "and I was right you really are a fuckboy"

"How so," he says as if he doesn't understand already "well maybe because you just slept with a girl and then not even five minutes later you're in another girl's room claiming she's in love with you or something seriously your like the definition of a fuckboy"

He looks at me with mock hurt then immediately replies "well that really hurt princess but first of all that girl knew it was just sex once we where done she left with no complaints and all the girls I sleep with know that it's mutual" He finishes.

"Oh, what a gentleman. Well that still doesn't explain why you are in another girls room who is clearly not interested in a fling" I looked up at him and continued "if I didn't make it clear enough before here you go I don't do that I want a long term commitment I want marriage I'm not gonna sleep with a stranger you won't find that hear" I said sternly

He immediately retorted back "we aren't strangers" I just looked at him as if he was stupid "did you really just miss everything I just said?"

"We'll come on let's be honest here if I wanted that if I wanted a relationship what would you have done," he says I looked at him surprised by the question.

I had to think about it for a second "I would be reluctant" I said he immediately says "and why is that".

"Because all guys who are as attractive as you are either cheaters or ditch girls after sleeping with them," I say he looks at me like I'm stupid for once this time but then a smirk makes its way on his perfect lips.

"So essentially you're judging me because of how attractive I am and all though I'm flattered it's still not right and makes you no better than me," he says confidently though I would like to fight that he was right.

"Whatever all I'm saying is I would be reluctant though it would make me more enthusiastic" I finished.

"You say that now but let's not lie nothing's made you more enthusiastic then all this," he says rubbing his hands down his body there he goes again I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics but he was right he has caught my attention but I'll never adamant that.

"Your self-absorbed" I say still laughing a little he immediately snaps back "it's called confidence and there is nothing wrong with it and don't lie you secretly like it" he says smirking I raise an eyebrow but am too tired to make a comeback especially when he is right so I keep it simple.

"Leave I'm tired...." I groan out he chuckles a bit "then I shall let the princess get some sleep" he gets up and then says "by the way your mom is coming over tomorrow" he then gets up and walks away after shutting the door.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS LIAM!" I yell from my bedroom there was no response "Oh God" I mutter.
1262 words

I hope you enjoy chapter five if you have any suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear expect the next chapter to come out in less than a week until next time.




I'll see you on chapter six🖤

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