Let's talk later (chapter Fourteen)

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*edited* if I didn't see anything though let me know in the comments!

It was 6:00 Am on the dot 6 am I had splashed water on my face I had done everything I could but I was a mess I have done what I swore not to do but no matter how much I pretend that it's not true it is I am very in love with Liam.

My hands gripped the corners of the bathroom countertop my breath labored I had the previous mascara from yesterday running down my cheeks from the ice-cold water well that and the many breakdowns.

"How how could I do this" I talked to myself Liam Harns why was it how he looked maybe his cocky remarks I tried to make myself believe it was a petty middle school crush but deep down I knew the truth.

The sun was slightly peeking through the window in my bedroom but that didn't do much to help light the room it was still pitch black in my room.

I moved to my closet throwing on a pair of joggers and a sweater my overall goal today wasn't to look like I was about to walk a runway I needed fresh air I grabbed my clutch threw on some shoes and left my room making sure I had my phone on hand.

I made my way through the living room area but stopped dead in step when I saw a sleeping figure on the sofa the lamp was still on from the previous night and I wondered why he didn't just go back to sleep in his room comfortably.

I breathed a deep breath before slowly making my way towards the door I couldn't be around him I was scared I was gonna let something slip.

But right as my hand reached the door I felt a presence behind me warm heat radiating off his body "where are you going" Liam mumbled huskily going to jump his bones if he doesn't take a step back if you know what I mean but I made sure not to vocalize that specific part.

I cleared my throat preparing myself to make a clear anti-stuttering answer "Julie's" I whispered a little to softy which made Liam now worry about my sanity and I'll be honest I would be worried too if I had seen me yesterday and in all honesty my sanity wasn't doing too well but partially for not all the same reasons he may have thought though that was messing with me too.

"Are you okay?" Liam said now seeming a bit concerned "it's 6:15" he finished like I didn't know what time it was.

"Look Liam the last couple hours have been rough I just need some fresh air though Julie isn't exactly fresh air" I stifled a laugh but continued "I have to sort some stuff out with her that's all" I finished turning around to meet his gaze but wishing I wouldn't have when I met his gaze.

His blue eyes showed concern and admiration something nobody ever showed towards me except for my mom but I guess it's harder to believe when family says something nice about you which is wired because it's always easier for someone to believe the bad traits about themselves I guess it's easier because we are all insecure about something.

You see you could be this extremely beautiful and confident person who gets compliments multiple times a day but when one person comes up to you and says your ugly it affects you more than the regular your perfect maybe because we all know we aren't perfect no matter how much someone tells you or doesn't.

I knew I wasn't perfect but the pure admiration this man had for me sure as hell made me believe I was close to it and that's what counts because complements well they never really mattered unless they are from someone you truly care about and sometimes you don't need words to make you understand.

"I get it I'll let you go but when you get back I need to talk to you about something okay," Liam asked about to let me leave the apartment "yeah that's fine" I didn't ask more knowing I just needed to get a breath of fresh air or what you may call girl time.

"okay ill see you later on today be safe you got it" he pointed a finger at me grinning his eyes shone a peak of amusement as we said our goodbyes.

He made sure I had my pepper spray and I made sure he knew I did soon enough I was out the door and heading to an ATM to deposit a good $100 dollars than to my best friend's house along the way Preparing myself for the much-needed interrogation.

        807 words

Yay chapter fourteen the next chapter will have some much needed best friend time this is a filler chapter but we needed it until then what do you think Liam has to talk about? Until next time.




I'll see you guys on chapter 15 love ya!

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