The dream (chapter seventeen)

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⚠️mature content ahead⚠️

I felt the bed shake as Liam slammed his dick into me making pleasure ran through every nerve in my body my nails dug into his back "Liam!" I moaned loudly overcome by pleasure.

"Say my name again" Liam roughly grumbled in my ear sending chills down my body as he lowered his lips to suck on my earlobe he continued sucking down my neck leaving a trail of hickeys on my collarbone "Liam" I spoke softly into his ear. He once again slammed his cock deep inside me as if me speaking his name was a drug he couldn't get enough of.

"Good now open those fucking eyes and look at me" he growled out the pressure was building in my body more and more it was a euphoric feeling that I had never felt in my life and definitely wasn't something I could achieve by myself once I obeyed his command I found everything being stripped away I had expected to see Liam's magnetic eyes and i did but they where watching me from my bedroom doorframe while giving me a devilish smirk I soon realized that it was all a dream and that Liam himself was the one to witness it.

I gasped and immediately found myself looking around the room wondering what happened there was a light pound in my head which lead me to believe I had drank a little to much but the last thing I could remember was me walking into a bar that was to nice to be classified as one.

I soon remembered the scene I had walked into When I entered the apartment yesterday I immediately felt nauseous after that thought and quickly ran to the restroom to puke my guts out in the toilet.

I felt Liam's hands wrap around my neck pulling back all my hair gently from my face and I was immediately remembering the all to good memories of my dream last night. My cheeks turned scarlet red and I was petrified as to what Liam had heard as he witnessed it happen from a outsiders perspective but before I could dwell on that another wave of vomit hit me and I could hear Liam speaking "it's gonna be alright let it all out" he said softly to me but he had a amused edge to his voice.

I was screwed I had no memory of last nights whereabouts and most importantly what I might have said to Liam during my memory loss once I finished puking I sat up slowly Sensing the vinegar taste in my mouthing I sat up and quickly and started brushing my teeth.

While doing so I tried to avoid eye contact with Liam as he did the opposite he stood clad in no top like always and a plain pair of black joggers my brushing slowed as i made eye contact with his ever so apparent V-line I was back thinking about the dream I had last night and most importantly why I had it on this specific day Liam was around though for the most part he was always around and there was no way of getting around that though I didn't think on any other day he would be around at what 4am just leaning on my doorframe.

I snapped back into reality when I realized I had completely stopped brushing my teeth and replaced that distraction with another through the glass mirror I took a quick glance at Liam already expecting he knew and I was right but I immediately looked away my cheeks heating up.

"Lily" he chuckled lightly but I interrupted him "sowwy I'm bwushing my teeth" I said my mouth dripping with toothpaste I looked at him and he just grinned while shaking his head sarcastically but nevertheless was quite while I spent an extra 5mins longer than I would brushing my teeth he looked as though he had shit on me and I knew he did I mean just 10mins ago I was moaning his name in bed and I sure as hell didn't want to know what else I might have said.

Once I finished brushing I speed walked back to my bedroom and sat on my bed looking at my feet there was a dip in the bed next to me and I glanced up to see Liam smiling down at me "to clear the air that was my cousin Ally in the room" he spoke to me I wondered how obvious it was when I left the apartment that I was upset "oh" i said my eyes widened but I tried to sound sly though failed I was flooded with relief and I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my lips "how did you find me?" I asked wondering if I wanted to even know the answer "well this ties into what I was gonna say before you left but the bar you where at it's mine I own it I let you drink for a bit but when my bartender Sam informed me you where trying to moon the customers and threating that you would give the bar a bad yelp review I took it upon myself to well remove you from the premises" he laughed to himself like he was withholding information which was scarring to know since the information I just heard was already embarrassing in itself.

"I'm sorry I can't pretend like I didn't hear you moaning my name anymore" he blurted out bursting out laughing I was mortified and I got up from my bed leaving him there laughing like a hyena "shut up" I said giggling a bit now I wondered why I was so infatuated with this man sitting in front of me and was flooded with all the reasons why I loved how he could just never say this right thing I loved how he was blunt and true to himself and others he wasn't afraid to say the truth which is a trait that most lack he was confident cocky he succeeded in making me feel special and I loved that stupid smirk that he always wore he was a risk by in that moment I knew he was most definitely one I was willing to take.

1049 words

Love you guys and hope you are staying safe from the coronavirus well and anything really sorry for not uploading recently but I thought I would surprise you with a more light hearted chapter☺️🤗

Also the next chapter will be a continuation of this chapter I wrote this at like 1:30am and got really tired I wanted to add more but I really wanted to post this new chapter so I did I'll try to post again today or tomorrow. I'm really wanting to finish this book so I will probably be posting a lot more frequently.

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