we had unprotected sex!

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"Oh my fucking God!" 

I cannot actually remember if we used a condom or not! We were both heavily intoxicated, and one thing led to another.

The only conclusion I could come to was...

we had unprotected sex!

I was pacing around my room as Ruby looks up the symptoms of pregnancy.

"Have you been nauseous lately?" she asks, and I nod, "Holy shit I threw up this morning!"

"Okay, what about certain foods?" she asks, and I nod,  "Yeah, the other day we order pineapple pizza my favorite! Then when I took a bite I could barely even inhale it." I sigh thinking back to how good that pizza could've tasted in my belly.

"Disgusting moving on, mood swings? Cramping? Always peeing? Do these ring a bell?" She asked once more and thinking back.

I've at least peed at least four times since Ruby's arrived, but I've always had a weak blatter so that's no reason. I'm always moving from one mood to another, so mood swings for me is an everyday thing. Cramping only happens when I'm on my period. Which is normally when I actually experience cramps.

"So?" Ruby asked, and I nodded, "You're PRE--"

"SHHH!" I hush her putting my finger to her mouth, "After much thought, In conclusion, I've always been pregnant because I'm always peeing, always having a change in moods, and I do cramp." 

Ruby gave me an odd look before pulling at her hair, "Why you-- Lia this is serious! Snap out of it--"

I sighed this was bad I tried to keep calm, cool, and playful on the outside.

Internally though my brains central system where all my imaginary friends worked to keep me in check were FREAKING OUT!

"We should go back to your place, and take a test." I suggest, "If we did it here, we wouldn't be able to even smuggle a test in!"

Ruby nods, "Pack some clothes I have a feeling you won't be returning for a while."

I nod, she is probably right. If what I'm thinking is true. I don't think I have it in me to actually face father after this.

"I'm spending the weekend with Ruby!" I announce before leaving with her.

We get to her car, and I sigh everything is really happening so fast. I should've thought about the repercussions of this entire thing.

Instead, though I ogled about how hot he was, and sexy his shirt smelled!

"Hey don't stress out if this turns out to be positive I will be by your side the entire time!" Ruby promises, and I feel so lucky to have a friend like her.

"I-it's just if this turns out to be true.. My father will hate me more than he already does, and I'll truly be a nuisance to this fucking family!" I cry finally breaking down.

It took a while for my emotions to catch up, and with the feeling of being on edge also my hormones on overdrive.

It was bound to happen.

Ruby pulls me into a hug, "Don't cry Lia we will get through this I prom--"

"How Ruby? You can get through this but me? I'm a high school student, not even an adult a-and my fucking baby daddy just has to be on men's top 100 list. Out of my league! Oh God--" I groan, and Ruby seems taken aback by my outburst.

"I--" Ruby mumbles, but I hold a finger up.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault, but I'm taking it out on you," I whisper, and Ruby takes a hold of my hand.

"It's fine! Let's just get the test, and see what we are actually dealing with first." She smiles, and I nod.

She's right I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet so why am I acting like this?

"C-can you buy it for me? You know how the paps can be.." I ask, and Ruby nods, "I'll be back in a minute."

I look put the window collecting my thoughts. What would I truly do if I was pregnant? Could I go back to school? I start my senior year, and it's mid-March.

I think I could make it through my junior year without being noticed, but what about my senior year?

I'd be a bomb waiting to explode!

"Whew that was awkward the cashier gave me the nastiest look I nearly socked her in the face!" Ruby grumbled, "Sorry Ruby for having to go through all this hassle for me." I apologize for feeling guilty, and Ruby dismisses it.

"Don't worry about me baby mama!" She jokes, "Let's get home, and take this!"

We went back to her shared apartment with Bambam, we took the test. 

It came out positive.

What the fuck am I going to do now?!

a/n:: this is going by really really slow and i don't like it, but i want every fraking detail to be seen! i need acceleration!

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