his boobies were quite nice.

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I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.I slept with Park Chanyeol.

Do you know that episode in Spongebob where they are all running around in his brain freaking out while it's on fire? That was me right now! He arms wrapped around me my face smothered into his right boobie. I was as stiff as a rock, did I just have birthday sex?

Shit! Now Birthday Sex by Jeremiah is playing on repeat in my head! 

"You're so stiff relax I'm not going to bite you unless you want me too." He murmurs into my ear and my everything flies off. I mean I was naked from the get-go, but the imaginary clothes pretended to have on, all gone.

They were shredded to pieces by Chanyeol's word, but I listened to him trying to be less stiff and I slowly fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

His boobies are quite nice.


I laid there as stiff as a board, now that Rosalie was asleep. I thought I was going to fall asleep, but when she wrapped her arms around me and tangled her legs into mine. How the hell was I supposed to sleep now?!

I looked down at her the moment I saw her I knew I had to have her, now that I had her in my arms I knew there was no turning back now. 

Rosie was mine as I was hers.


I don't know how long we laid like this, but it sure as hell was long! 

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw Chanyeol staring at me. Creepy yet romantic, "Good morning." He mumbled his morning voice sending thrills through my body.

"Good morning how did you sleep?" I ask and he smiles burring his head into my shoulder, "Amazing with you in my arms," my heart little stopped functioning along with my heart was brain was now broken. 

"Wow," I was truly speechless he literally made me turn into mush without trying all he did was mumble something really sexy and I was fucked up. Like ok, Mr. Tough guy with the sweetest and most innocent personality I'm in love with you.

"Rosalie the meats!" Chanyeol exclaimed letting go and I warm touch lingered for a while soon disappearing, he ran out the door then back in with a very 'Oh shit we are dead' look.

He quickly closed his door locking it and for extra measures, he put his desk chair against the doorknob. He came back to the bed where I stared at him confused, "Y-your dad's men are here." He mumbled and I returned the 'Oh shit we are dead' look.

"Weapons?" I whisper and he nods, "In the closet."

We both quickly get dressed we are in a frenzy my father found us. G-god we should've just left when we had that chance. Now we are going to die just kidding, but now I'm going to have to kill some bitches. That's practically treason -- killing my father's own men, but it must be done. 

What if Chanyeol gets hurt?

"Oh gosh, we should've just fucking left,"  I panicked and Chanyeol looks at me with a frown, "D-did you regret having sex with me?" He asks quite sad and my entire heart breaks into pieces, just the look on his face could send me to hell and back to get that smile back.

why do I sound like I'm the man in this relationship?

"W-what? No, I--"

"Rosie I know I'm not as experienced as since I am technically a virgin, but still did you re--"

There were only two things I wanted to do, but that would mean having to choose one. I was never good at multitasking not to mention if I choose the wrong choice it could lead to a different solution. 

CHOICE 1:: Yell "You are a virgin?!"

CHOICE 2::Kiss the hell out of Chanyeol for rambling

In the end, I choose choice two since it would one -- stop Chanyeol from rambling and two -- hopefully get across that sex was more than enjoyable. I'd do it again sometime!

I slowly pulled away looking at Chanyeol who's eyes were still closed, he looked like those princesses in the movie who get their first kiss.

"Of course I enjoyed it Chanyeol, but for now we've got to escape so we can do it again sometime." I wink and a full on blush is permanently ingrained on to his face, and although Chanyeol is mentally freaking out. 

My entire brain is about to explode! My heart is no longer beating I'm a vampire now, "R-Rosie I--" He tries to say something but I shush him, "We've got to get out of here now where are your guns?" 

He leads me to his closet there's a safe and when he opens it, it's like we've won the jackpot! Loads and loads of money except its guns, and I stand amazed by it all. I didn't realize Chanyeol was strapping me up until I turn to him as he lifts my hands up, "It's a bulletproof vest."

I nod, "What's the plan?" I ask and he smiles, "I've called a friend,"

Within 0.34521 seconds gunshots rang throughout the house along with the milk curdling cries of most likely my father's men, and it went on for about a couple of seconds. Then it was silent, "Okay I think we can go now," Chanyeol whispers as he grabs some of his guns, handing me one as well, "Stay close,"

The moment he said that I couldn't mask the smile that engulfed most of my face. I looked like the fucking joker bet, "Get ready," He quietly opens the door.

Slowly opening it and I grab onto his free hand holding it, and he doesn't let go he squeezes my hand tighter. "Be careful," I whisper getting my gun ready in my other hand, and we exit the hallway to see a blood bath in his house no cottage. It's like a swimming pool but instead of water, it's blood!

"Chanyeol hyung what took you so long?" A voice groans and we look up from the bloody bodies, and we see a dude almost passed out of the couch. I look up at Chanyeol and he had a smile on his face, "I'm glad you came Yoongi."

Who is Yoongi?

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