boosting your power

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"Thank you Yoongi, you drove out here just for a stranger," I mumble grateful he didn't say no, he smirks, "Let's just say Ji mee would be mad if I didn't." I freeze how does he know Ji mee?

"How do you kn--" I was about to ask, but he speeds of leaving me confused just who is this guy?

"LIA!" Ruby called out her face full of worry and Bambam behind her without a second thought I broke down on the front steps of their penthouse. It was okay to cry right? Ruby hugged me tight as we went up to her penthouse or whatever it's called.

"We kinda heard everything from Chanyeol," She mumbles, "Is it true?"

I nod, "Yes I left because if I didn't my father would keep going after Chanyeol and I. We'd be constantly on the run I-i didn't want Chanyeol to have to live like that for my sake. And what if he got hurt or even died because of me? I wouldn't be able to actually live with myself!"

Ruby hugs me tighter as I cry into her shoulder til no more tear will even fall, Baby, I'm sorry your mother is such a cry baby.

"So you're going to go back?" Bambam asks and I nod again, "I'm going to tell him everything and he even thinks of killing my baby I'll kill him first." I growl no one will take my baby from me, no one.

"Well, why don't you get some rest, for now, you've had a long day," Ruby says and I agree it has been a long day all I want to do is sleep.  The moment my head touches the pillow my eyes roll back and I'm in my dream world. The one were happy endings are allowed, and I'm not chained to a terrible fate.

"Kunpimook where is my daughter?!" He roars and I sigh it's too early to be this loud why is he like this?

"Listen JYP-nim just be easy on her." He says and I hear him scoff, "Don't tell me how to deal with my daughter little boy." His words were venomous they could cause anyone to be paralyzed by them.

I slowly get up preparing myself for my father's wrath, and when he comes in he closes the door his face free of emotions, "Father I can exp--"

Before I can even say anything I'm pulled into a hug, "Why do you worry me like this?" He sighs and I stay frozen in fear of what he will do next, "Father get that needle out of my neck." I mumble before my vision becomes blurry and I start to lose feeling in my body.

Then it's all black.


"What did you do to her!" I growl and her father only smirks, "Nothing you children need to worry about."

He walks out with Lia limp in his arms, "Be careful! She's pregnant you asshole!"

JYP turns to us with the ghost of a smile, "And why would I ever harm my grandchild?" 

I watch as the slimy bastard turns around making his way into the elevator, and I can't help but let the blood in my veins boil with anger!

"FUCK!" I scream as I punch the wall feeling a dent make its way into the wall.

First Ji mee runs away because of my fucking father and now Lia is back in the hands of her tormentor. I'm so fucking useless! How can I help them?

"Ruby there's nothing we can do, she made this choice let her go through with it." Bambam sighs and I can see the anger laced all over his face, but he can't do anything about it.

"We've got to try Kunpimook! I-i feel so useless." I cry, and Bambam hugs me tight, "We can't just go in without a plan, we've got to wait for our time to strike."

I only nod, we've got to help her.

Third Person

Rosalie lays oblivious to what is going on as she was drugged up.

Jung woo sit in front of Mr. JYP himself looking scared out of his mind, he never actually wanted to engage in anything with Rosalie besides his child.

He only said those things in spite because of the history between him and his old friend Chanyeol, "I-i don't think you understand I don't love her, so I cannot marry her." 

He's tried to deny the arrange marriage multiple times, but Mr. JYP isn't a man of words. He doesn't seem to be enjoying the fact that this guy is being stubborn, "It's funny of you to think to actually think you've got a choice in the matter."

is this guy a fucking idiot? I could shoot him where he sits for denying me!

"Sir I don't mean to dis--"

Enough of this bullshit I will not tolerate this bullshit! Mr. JYP has finally had enough, "Shut the hell up, and announce that you will be marrying my daughter." He figures forcing him won't work, so maybe using his family against his will, "You dear sister Soojin wasn't it? She's a rising model is she not? If you announce your marriage to my daughter I'll sign her. Being under a giant entertainment company as myself would boost her popularity."

Mr. JYP watches as Seo Jung woo finally give in, "I will not have my reputation be tarnished because you can't keep your dick in your pants, Mr. Seo." He smirks, "It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

Jung woo was a man who knew how to keep his composure, but now he was fuming with anger. Using his own sister against him like that? How low and shady, but what is there to expect from criminals.

"I will arrange a meeting day for you to figure out everything Mr. Seo until next time." He smiles and the look on Mr. Seo's face is only one of disgust, How can he be praised for being a father figure to his idols! When, in reality, he just forced his own daughter to marry someone she would never love?


"I know you are awake Rosalie." He says his words full of superiority.

"I'm not going to get married to someone I don't love," I growl, and he lets a laugh an evil one in fact, "It's ironic you know? It's as if history is repeating it's self!" He laughs like a mad man has he finally gone crazy?

"W-what do you mean?" I ask confused, and he turns to me his eyes full of pain.

"You aren't my real daughter Rosalie, your mother conceived you way before she ever thought of the word arrange marriage." He laughs, "She planned on marrying your father, but I killed him before she could."

I wasn't his real daughter? It all made sense now.

"So you loved neither of us we were just a means of gaining power?" I ask and he shakes his head, "I loved you until I found out you weren't my daughter, but I'd spent eighteen years hearing you call me father."

He sighs, "So, of course, I think of you as my daughter and that's exactly why I'm marrying to you off to Seo Jung Woo."

"I don't love him!" I yell and he rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to love him, Seo Jung Woo has a long extensive line of cocaine and marijuana plants in the tropics, he can prove to be useful." 

I  am truly angry was this all a joke to him? Playing us around like we were a game of chess like his own pawns, "I'm only a means of boosting your power!" 

"What do you expect? Rosanna will marry just the same as you, you aren't the only one." He shrugs and it makes my blood boil, "How heartless can you be?! Deciding who she marries? She doesn't even understand the concept of love!"

"And you do? Rosalie, you're in love with a teacher what can he bring to the table? Besides debt." 

He doesn't remember?

"You truly are a monster!" I yell before storming out of the room.

I can't marry Jung Woo!

a/n:: sorry it keeps changing perspective but there's a time skip next chapter!!

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