slimy bastard

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look at that perv smile, yuck!


--two weeks prior to the last chapter--

 "Tell me I'm doing the right thing Chanyeol, tell me I'm not going to regret this." 

I can still hear her voice telling me that every night it's like a nightmare. I relive the happiest yet saddest moment of my entire life, she said she loved me. Yet she is going to marry another man. Why must she be so cruel to me?

"Babe? What's wrong you've been so down lately," Yuri frowns and I try to smile pretending I'm fine, but I can't let go of that empty feeling in my stomach. The sad look she had in her eyes. Everything reminds me of her, and even when I try to preoccupy myself I can't.

"Chanyeol are you listening? This could not only benefit me, but this will benefit you as well if you agree." Yuri's father smiles and I sigh, "What exactly?"

"If we were to combine our powers together, we would rival that of the Big 3 -- PARKKIMKANG." He explained and I felt my skin crawl just looking at him, he was the definition of evil. If I wasn't careful one wrong move I'd be dead.

"I do not wish to expand anymore sir," I confirm trying to end this meeting as soon as possible, but this snake seems to become more insistent! My gang might be small, but our connections are what makes us powerful. This guy is trying to use that for his own gain, and I don't feel comfortable being partners with him.

"I see," YG sighs, "I guess I'll have to play a little dirty,"


"Don't act dumb we know about your little 'love affair' with Park Rosalie, we also hear she just gave birth to a healthy baby girl." smiled the slimy bastard, "It would be bad if something happened to that healthy baby girl of hers." 

Without thought, I grabbed him by the collar and his men aimed their guns at me while Yuri begged them to stop, "You sick bastard just what the fuck do you think you're getting out of this?" I growl my blood boiling with rage, he knows my weakness and he's using it against me.

"Marry my daughter, and nothing will ever happen to her or her child," He whispered and I felt sick to my stomach! This was wrong I didn't love Yuri, she was just a rebound something to fill the void in my heart.

But nothing could fill the void, for only one person could do that.

Only Park Rosalie.

"I'll do it," I finally give in I've got to protect Rosalie even if it means giving up my own happiness, so be it. I won't let anything happen to her, ever.

"Then, we have a deal, Mr. Park!" He clapped and I felt disgusted with myself, "it's been pleasure doing business with you,"

Tell me I'm doing the right thing, Rosalie, tell me I'm not going to regret this.


--present time--

I'm coming Chanyeol wait for me.

a/n:: short chapter, but the action and the finale begins!

don't h8 rosie, but it's ok to h8 YG, fuck u!

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