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"It's a girl!" The doctor exclaims, Jung Woo and I stare at the monitor looking at the little life we created and her heartbeat it's so calming. 

I'm going to be a mother.

"I-i cannot believe we created that!" Jung Woo exclaims and I roll my eyes at him.

"Just five more months and we will see that bundle of joy." The doctor smiles, "Such a happy couple you are!"

We both look at each other with a smile so fake Kim K's ass would be shaking, "Yes, we are! Isn't that right baby?" I smile and Jung Woo cringes while the doctor looks at us with envy. 

After the appointment, we head back to Jung Woo's car, "It's a girl I can't believe it! I'm going to have a daughter..."

I roll my eyes jabbing him in the side, "You mean we are going to be having a daughter?"

Jung Woo looks at me, "Oh yeah you too." He laughs and I smile.

Although we know our faith has already been decided for us, we've come to the conclusion that we will look at the brightest of this odd relationship. And we will just be friends will not force ourselves to love one another for the sake of child, but if we fall in love, we fall in love.

"Should we plan a baby shower?" Jung Woo and I nod eagerly, "That's the most exciting part!"

I go on the group chat I have with everyone: Ruby, Bambam, Sehun, Soojin, and Momo.


baby gurl RUBY: oh shit! Bambam sehun u owe me 100$$$

princess soojin: oh my gucking god jesus have fucking mecy on my soul I CANT WAIT TO MEET MY NEICE


avacado: ok ok im fine like totally fine! I CAN noT BELIEVE THID!

me: ur typos r unbearable!!!

I laugh at everyone's response, "They excited?" Jung Woo asks and I nod smiling at my screen, "Too excited in fact!"

After I left we all kept in touch thankfully, but I lost contact with Chanyeol. 

Soojin told me he is back with Yuri, and I wanted to be angry but I'm marrying his childhood friend turned enemy. So how can I be angry at him? 


"MOTHER FUCKING PARK ROSALIE IS ABOUT TO BE BORN! LEGENDARY! AHHHHHHHHH!" Sehun yells from the kitchen and I groan, "What the hell Sehun!"

Sehun rolls his eyes, "If you'd stop being a little bitch! It's been four months! You wouldn't be this cranky, and by the way, guess what!" Sehun smiles and I frown, "What?"

"Rosalie is having a baby girl!" Sehun cheers and I want to be happy for her, but I can't. I wanted to be there when she found out the gender of our I mean her baby. Why can't I just forget everything? 

She's the past now Chanyeol.

"I'm happy that she's healthy," I mumble.

"Are you going to come to the baby shower with me?" Sehun asks and I shake my head.

I couldn't possibly go to the baby shower! Jung Woo will be there with that sexy smirk on his stupid face, and he will brag about how he got Rosalie! 

How he's going to marry her and spend the rest of his life waking up to see her beautiful face. 

"Come on hyung! We've got to go the baby shower starts at like seven." He whines and I groan, "We don't even have a gift!"

"That's what we are for Chanyeol," Soojin smiles, so I really am going to this huh?


I watched a Sehun pushed a nervous Chanyeol up the stairs to get ready, and I wondered what the hell he was planning. When Rosalie left we were all devastated, but she told us she did it to protect us. So we didn't pin it against her, but it was weird.

Chanyeol barely smiled it was like his mind was always in a different place not to mention he went back to Yuri. It was like Chanyeol lost his anchor -- Rosalie.

"PSSST! Guys!" Sehun whisper-yelled as he made his way downstairs, "I have a plan!" 

Soojin rolled her eyes crossing her arms, "No don't eve--"

Sehun put his finger up shushing her, "I'm serious you guys! I heard this from someone who's uncle's son's grandson's daughter twice removed that Rosalie isn't marrying Soojin's brother out of love, but because he was manipulated into marrying her!" 

We at this point genuinely wonder if we should take Sehun to a mental hospital because he was truly a dumbass, "You mother fucker! We could've just asked Soojin that, she is marrying her brother!" I hiss and Sehun's mouth forms into an 'O'

"Well, I don't actually know if they're actually going to get married yet all he's done was notify the press about their 'relationship'," Soojin mumbles and Sehun nods, "Perfect!"

He smiled devilishly, "Momo I know you're going to hate this, but I need you for my plan!"

"Good God what is it!" I groan when Sehun says he has a plan it normally means we are gonna fucking die.

"Okay come closer," He whispers and we all huddle together, "Chanyeol hyung is down because of Rosalie right?" We all nod, "Okay well I want to get Chanyeol and Rosalie in the same room to talk everything out they clearly still love each other."

"How do you know that and where do I come to play?" I mumble truly confused by what the hell Sehun is planning and he turns to me smiling cheekily, "You, my sweet Momo, you will distract Jung Woo so Chanyeol hyung and Rosalie can get their seven minutes in heaven!"

I was to disagree, but for once what Sehun is saying actually makes sense! I'm beyond shock to say this, but he doesn't sound like a dumbass for once! "Okay. But where are you two going to be?" I ask and Soojin and Sehun smirk, "We will be trying to distract everyone at the baby shower from noticing the baby mama and baby daddy are gone."

I nod trying to process this plan and figure out if there are any flaws in it, "Let me add some stuff to it okay?"

They both nod, "Soojin and I will take Soojin's brother to a secluded area and then Soojin will race back to the shower maybe go and cut the lights off as well. It will confuse everyone and it will make them panic, and Sehun you take Chanyeol you a different room so he goes into a different one than where they are hosting the shower." I explain, "Then you text Rosalie asking for 'help' because you can't find the room, and then you lightly push her into the room locking them in there somehow." 

They both look at me like I just cured cancer, "T-that's perfect!"

I smirked, "I know you don't need to tell me."

They both clap for me and I bow, "Guy's I-i don't think I can do this!" Chanyeol stutters he looks as if he will hurl any second.

"Guys OPSH is a go!" I exclaim.

"OPSH?" Sehun mumbles confusedly.

"Baby Operation Seven Minutes in Heaven." Soojin sighs.

"Where's the M?" 


a/n:: she's having a girl yeyeyye

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