i think i could get used to this

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"Are you ready for your first day of high school?!" Momo yelled, and I groaned.

I forgot it was only mid-March, "Oh shit!"

I don't remember much of what happened yesterday except for the fact that we demolished that poor gang, and all I remember was saying goodbye to them then being lead to the shower, and falling asleep.

"Don't worry Rosa-- I mean Iris~ Sorry about that, but Ruby told me to tell you she and Bambam had already gotten everything transferred to this school under your new name. Here is your uniform I don't know how they did it, but the got everything set up for you." Momo explained, "Come down for breakfast when you are done!"

I sat up looking at my new room, and my new uniform.

This is real I'm starting a new life in this odd town.

"You've got to be kidding me? Why are you still sleeping soojin!"

"Momo can I borrow your homework?"

"Are you kidding me? Why didn't you do it last night!"

"Um sorry, but I was assisting PARKIMKANG!"

"Sehun, Momo shut the fuck up I need some sleep."

If I were to describe my first morning in this apartment it would be hectic. What the hell was going on I couldn't even describe it in my head because it was a what the fuck moment. Soojin was laying on the kitchen floor as Sehun wrestled Momo for her homework.

"Good morning," I said, and they all stopped what they were doing looking at me. "W-what is going on?" I ask, and they all stop what they are doing to greet me.

"This is normal in our place, so yeah get used to it." Momo grins as she gets off of Sehun in his attempt to steal her homework. The one on the floor named Soojin gets up, "Hello I never actually introduced myself properly did I?"

"My name is Seo Soojin it's nice to meet you Iris." she smiles shaking my hand, "I hope we can become great friends."

"Hey! That's my line I've always wanted to be her greatest friend!" Sehun whined, and Momo slapped him upside the head, "No I call dibs we spoke first!"

Then instead of fighting over homework and sleeping, they were fighting over who wanted to be my best friend, "You guys can all be my best friend if you want." I say trying to clear the air, and they all turn to me happy.

"Well that's good I thought you were only going to like one of us," Soojin frowned, and I shook my head. "Don't worry I'd like to be all of your friends!"

After a crazy introduction, we ate breakfast and got into Sehun's car.

Arriving at school it was like one of those cliche movies were the popular guy with the sports car is player whos also a street race. "D-don't tell me you guys are--"

"Popular? No, but we are well known in the school and since you are hanging with us now so will you!" Momo cheers, "Where you popular at your old school Iris?" she asks, and I think back.

"Well, they called me the Ice Queen, or Beautiful, Intelligent, and Elegant something along the lines of that. I cared a lot about my reputation because my father instilled it into my brain, but I hope that here I can just be myself without any setbacks." I tell them, and I look up front seeing Sehun wiping his tears.

"T-that must've been so sad please don't feel the need to hide just be yourself~" Sehun exclaims raising his fist in the air, "Fighting~"

"Don't worry much there's only one person you need to worry about and that's the mean girls of this school. Even though, we are probably richer than all of them combined they still feel the need to try and be better than us." Soojin hisses, and I can tell there's some history between them.

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