she wasn't a stripper, but a star.

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The baby shower was over, and now it was just Jung Woo, Ruby, Bambam, and I.

"Well, shit you guys are actually getting hitched," She sighs and I nod coming to the realization that I'll never see him again, now he's just a distant memory of mine. Still, I told him how I felt, and I don't regret it I just wish I'd said it sooner.

"Yeah, right when I thought I met the love of my life," Jung Woo sighs and I turn to him, "YOU? Loving someone forever? Don't joke with me Jung WOo!" I joke and the ghost of a smile appears on his face.

"It's true though, she was like a star shining under than stage light in her tight lingerie." Jung Woo smiles and I remember I'm marrying this guy in five months, and Ruby laughs, "So you fell in love with a stripper?" She asks and he nods.

"She wasn't a stripper though, she was a star. I saw her here tonight and it made me so sad that I had to marry y--" Jung Woo stops talking and smiles, "Haha I meant--"

I roll my eyes punching him in the shoulder, "Save it, Jung Woo, I saw Chanyeol too." I mumble and tears threaten to fall from my eyes, "I-i told him I loved him, but I k-kissed another man in front of him."

Bambam cringes, "Ouch Lia that's gonna leave a mark!" 

I shake my head, "Shut up I thought if I confessed my feelings would disappear, but they've only grown stronger." 

Jung Woo laughs putting an arm around my shoulder, "Til death does us, part baby!" He sighs before rubbing my belly, "You're our blessing and curse baby." He murmurs and I smack him on the head, "Don't call our unborn child a curse!"

"I'm sorry it's just sad. I'll only be having sex with you for the rest of my life, now don't get me wrong you're beautiful in all, but I really don't remember much." 

Ruby and Bambam proceed to fake gag while I roll my eyes, "Jung Woo who said we'd ever have sex again?" I ask and Jung woo's eyes nearly pop out.


a/n:: this chapter was really short, and these are only like a couple of chapters left as well. so what is in store for rosalie? 

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