try me bitch. TRY ME.

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"W-wait so like are you saying t-that you had a one night stand with that prick?" Chanyeol scoffed as he floored his boat, and I laughed.

"My mom had just died, and I wanted to let loose." I shrugged I needed to get her out of my mind, and with all that's been going on lately, I haven't thought once about her.

"Wow out of all the fish in the sea you pick that guy! huh." Chanyeol complained going on and on about it, and I let him it was funny to see this side of him.

I was excited but confused why did he easily say 'yes!' to letting me stay with him. I was confused and excited I'd never felt like this for anyone in my entire life! It was a weird feel, but I welcomed it.

"So I was thinking we get your Pregnancy necessities since you proba--"

"Why are you letting me stay with you?" I ask interrupting him, and he looks at me thinking of words to say. Except they don't seem to be forming.

"W-well because your father killed my dad so we have this pack andithoughtitwasokaywithyoustayingsinceyourfatherorhismencantstepontomypropertywithoutbeingkilled," he said way too fast, and when the words began to register I became disappointed.

"Oh... Thanks, Chanyeol you're a real friend." I smiled, and he laughs.


I should've NEVER ASKED! Oh, Jesus Christ-- now that I know the truth I'll just be depressed that it wasn't because he is madly in love with me even though we just met!

"Hey, Rosalie we are here." Chanyeol says breaking me from my thoughts, and I look up to see we are at your local general store, "Put this on I'm popular with the ladies if they saw me with you... I'd one lose my job, and two be bombarded with questions."

I watch as he cringes and I laugh putting on the hat and the mask. "Don't worry I won't ruin it for you~" I wink before getting out of the car waiting for him to get us as well.

I watch as he opens the car door, "Took ya long enough let's go!" I say grabbing his hand unintentionally not realizing, but I do since his hand becomes stiff. I was about to let go, but moments later he embraces my hand, and I smile under my mask.

"So what are we going to buy? I haven't really researched anything..." I mumble quite embarrassed.

"Don't worry I gotchu!" He smiles pulling me toward the vitamins aisle leading the way for me to follow.

"So the pregnancy app and blog said pregnancy vitamins are a M U S T! So let's find those, and let's go home?" He explains, and I nod.

"Woah there are so many--" I mumble as I look around, so many to choose from!

"Chanyeol look! Do you think this would be fine? You seem to know everything about this." I ask looking up at him only to see he's already looking at me!

What does this mean?

"U-uh let me see..." He mumbles trying to play it cool even though I saw him staring.

Gotchu boo~

He looks at it reading the back, the front, the lid, and the bottom. He seems so much more invested in this than I am, and I'm the pregnant one!

"Yeah, this is good." He confirms, "Need anything else cravings?"

"Hmmm, I've really been craving cans of corn with pineapple pizza dipped in Nutella," I tell him and I wait for him to make the same face Momo did, but he didn't.

He laughed at me saying, "Holy shit now I'm hungry!"

and I knew I was going to marry him.

I would fight every single bitch until I made him mine.

try me bitch. TRY ME.

a/n:: omo chanyeol oppar steal my heart? 😆😆😆

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a/n:: omo chanyeol oppar steal my heart? 😆😆😆

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