Iris pretending to be a stripper named Lia
All of his buddies are chanting his name as he sits there soaked in alcohol, "Chanyeol! Go have some fun~" one of them teased, and he finally gives in. I look at the same guy who has a sort of gummy smile.
it must've been him who tripped me.
Standing up I realize how huge this guy is, and intimidating as well. He just stares at me coldly as if he doesn't want to be here. "Follow me," I tell him, and he sighs before following after me.
We get to the door unlocking it we both look around. It's poorly lit as the rest of the place, but the spotlights make it easy to see. "Woah," I mumble as I look around, and he is already sitting down.
"You act as if you've never been in here before." He comments, and I nod as I close the door locking it. "W-w-woah w-why are y-you locking it?" He asks panic taking over his body his once cool demeanor has changed it's quite funny.
Was that all an act?
"It says that 'To make sure everything stays private lock the door' I'm only listening to the instructions." I shrug and he nods turning his cool persona back on.
I don't actually plan on entertaining him if he tries anything I can always threaten to kill him and see where that goes.
I go and lay on the other coach, "I hope you know I don't actually plan on doing anything I'm not like the rest of those girls." I tell him, he doesn't seem like he would be one for that one on one action.
I hear him grunt in response.
"Can you take my heels off? They are killing my feet." I ask, and it stays silent for a bit until I hear him sigh getting up and with one stride he in on my side. I lift my legs up signaling him to sit down when he does I lay my feet on him.
"W-what are you doing?" He stutters, and I laugh.
He's really cute when he's not around his buddies.
"You don't have a foot fetish do you?" I ask, and he looks completely offended by that sentence.
"M-me? Foot fetish? Jesus Christ no! That's another level of weird I have not yet reached." He confirmed, and I nodded, "Great then it's okay that my feet are on your lap then. Please take my shoes off now?"
I ask again and he takes them off, "Thanks," I say looking at the digital clock on the wall, "so it's only 7:27 we are going to be here til 11 what do you want to do?"
Its quiet for a while probably thinking of what to say, "Talk?" he asks.
I was glad he wasn't going to try anything on me and I could talk. I needed someone to vent too, so yeah let's talk.
"I'm good with that what's your name by the way," I ask.
"Park Chanyeol."
We both sit there saying nothing, me with my feet in his lap in awkward silence, "Chanyeol this is so boring let's pretend we've been long lost friends who are trying to catch up with each other!" I say sitting up being a little closer to his face than I expected.
"Y-yeah let's try that," he mumbled, he was clearly nervous.
"Can I vent to you? Will you tell anyone?" I ask I've tried to keep cool about this whole situation, but the more I stay quite the more hopeless I feel.
And I'm talking to a stranger in a poorly lit room, and I doubt this Chanyeol will even remember me after tonight.
"Yeah I won't" he mumbles, "You've got to promise! I really don't want to be spill this tea if you're not going to keep it to yourself. People could die if they find out and by people I mean me and you!"

tainted kisses || pcy
Fanfictionpark rosalie wasn't expecting to get pregnant through a one night stand. but she does. and she also doesn't expect to meet the love of her life at a strip club. but she does. - © nettiiko 2019 park chanyeol x reader exo au