yeah! i kissed you want me to do it again?

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I didn't like how Chanyeol was making a big deal about my birthday. I personally never was one to care about my birthday. It was just another year marking I was getting closer to death.

I didn't really enjoy celebrating my birthday because my father used it as a way to milk others into buying from him. My birthday was more like a business deal than an actual birthday.

"Dang! We sure got some good deals at the farmer's market!" Chanyeol smiled and I nodded it was true if we had gone to the supermarket the prices would be jacked! Not to mention this is all straight from the Earth holes these veggies must be the real deal!

"Chanyeol! I almost forgot we've got to stop by the butchers, you've practically got nothing in your freezer." I sigh thinking of all the good meats that could be eaten right now... beef, chicken, pork, turkey, duck, cat, dog... JUST KIDDING

!!!!!!!we do NOT eat cat or dog in this house!!!!!!!!

"You're right let's stop by the one in town, you can stay in the car while I buy it." He says, and I agree we can't have anyone in town know that I am staying with him. Not to mention I'm a high school student who also had apparently gain a reputation for punching a bully. How one-sided is society?

"So what type of meats shall I buy?" He asks, and I think of all the possible meat combo's that can be eaten at this moment.

"Every and any kind!" I exclaim and I was Chanyeol smiles at something then gets out of the car and goes inside the butcher to buy the MEATS.

Ten minutes later he comes out with the entire store! He slowly opens the door with his foot and struggles to get out. At this point, it looks like a circus so I pull my hat down as low as it will go and get out of the car to help him.

"Chanyeol don't you think you went overboard?" I ask as I take the load off of him and he looks somewhat embarrassed, "Well you did say but every and any kind..." He mumbles, and I laugh feeling something brewing inside of me.

His small gestures always seem to warm my heart.

We eventually get everything put back into the car and we head back home, "Man I'm so excited to eat all this meat! Like super excited--" I exclaim and Chanyeol smiles with one of his veiny arms on the steering wheel while the other is dangerously close to my thigh.

Rosalie! Stop being so... scandalous! No time for unpure thoughts you child of God. I shake my head of my thoughts and I hear Chanyeol laugh, "What's going on in that head of yours?" He asks and my heart explodes.

"Just thinking..." I murmur mainly about you idiot! What have you done to me? 

"Ahhh I see." His deep voice sends thrills down my spine, and I know there's no running from it I'm under his spell. I'm not going to deny it anymore even though the circumstances are always wrong I can't help but fall in love with Park Chanyeol.

I watch him under my hat admiring everything about him, he's so perfect. I want to know Park Chanyeol, I want to be with Park Chanyeol, I want everything of Park Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol?" I ask and he turns to me for a second before looking back at the road, "Yes,"  he mumbles, and that's when my Questionnaire with Park Rosalie began.

"NO WAY! YOU DID!" I laugh out listening to him tell the story of this eighteenth birthday, "Y-YES I DID!" He confirms and I nearly pee my pants from laughter. That's how most of the conversation went he was so happy and fun for a so-called gang leader.

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