"Great Sex!"
Echoes through my head as I call for a taxi, "Oh God I fucked up big time!" I cry as I enter the taxi, and the taxi man seems shocked by my outburst.
"I'm so--"
"Take me to century apartments please!"
"This isn't a--"
"Listen I am desperate!"
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I ask, using my feminine wiles to seduce the taxi man into saying yes, and he finally gave in.
"Don't say I didn't warn you though." He mumbles before taking off, and I dismiss his warning. Don't worry I've been through worse Mr. Taxi man!
Within seconds he increases his speeds, "Are you being chased?" I ask, and he looks into the rearview mirror, and nods.
"Good God can my morning get any worse!" I cry, and the taxi man seemed shocked that I'm not shitting my pants out of fear yet, and I am shocked by my own outburst.
I am normally not this how do I put it? Open about everything I normally stay silent in times of terror. Why am I acting like this.. It was the 'great sex' wasn't it? Oh God have mercy on my soul!
"A-are you really not scared?" The taxi man asks actually shocked, and I nod.
"Oh, believe me, she's screaming in the inside," I say, and he seems utterly confused.
"I'm nervous, but for a totally different reason. I normally quite Hannah Montanna when I am nervous." I tell him, and he nodded, "Relatable."
After a brief talk, the rest of the ride is silent only the sound of the poor taxi's tires skrt skrting the hell out of these poor roads.
The smell of burnt tire surrounds us and that's when I break the silence, "Are we almost there? I am literally going to throw up!"
Fear is the only thing that graces Mr. taxi man's face, "D-do not throw up in this car! It's a rental!" He panics, "Seriously if it's a rental why are you driving it like a mad man?"
"BECAUSE I am being chased by someone!" He exclaims his deep voice sending a shiv-- nope, not today bitches.
"Wow, and who's fault is that huh? You've got to be kidding me." I groan.
If father finds out about this I'm going to be in huge trouble. I don't need to hear him complain that I'm not a good enough daughter any more than he already does!
"Take a left right here." I say, and he stutters, "W-what are you?"
"Shut up and listen to me," I command, "I dunno what you are being chased for, but I'm not going to get stuck in the crossfire. Turn right in 3 feet make another right. Turn left in 10 feet, and merge into the farthest lane."
He listens to me, and within seconds he is no longer being chased, "Now, stop right there."
As I go to exit the door he mumbles, "T-thank you."
"No problemo!" I smile, "Try not to get into anymore car chases. It's the end of the month police are trying to fill their quotas."
Closing the door, walking away I smile, "Damn I'm so cool!" I say to myself as I enter the apartment building. Getting into the elevator I click the 7th floor, and I slowly but surely wait for the doors to reopen once more.
Finally a ding!
Making my way into my friend's huge penthouse I see them cuddling and kanoodling on the couch like the love birds they are.
"Ew is this a porn?" I ask, and they both jump.
"Jesus Christ Lia! You scared me." Ruby cries as she holds her heart, and Bambam looks like was about to pee his pants, "H-how did you get in I told the guards you weren't allowed in without my permission."
"It's called feminine wiles Bambam," I say as I flip my hair smushing into between the two of them. "Guys I did something bad," I announce, and now they are both all ears.
"Oh spill," Ruby smiles, "It's not every day the ice queen does something bad! What will the school say?" She gasps dramatically and I roll my eyes.
"You're right babe what did the infamous reputation mongrel do?" Bambam chimes in, and I glare at him.
These two were the only people I could truly be myself around, being the daughter of a famous 'celebrity' put me in the public eye a lot, so I was given the name 'Ice Princess.' Everything I do seems to be watched by the public eye sometimes I just wish I could disappear from it!
In the end, I became very self-conscious of my surroundings, reputation, and my appearance.
That's why my friends were being mean to me because once we step into the public eye I'm nothing more than the Ice Princess.
"IhadsexwithanolderguywhowassuperhotandIthinkhecaughtthefeelsforme." I said a little too fast, and I watch as there face turned into shock and confusion.
"YOU DID NOT!" Ruby gasped.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Bambam yelled.
I nodded, "Sorry BB I'm not repeating it I feel shameful!" I cried as I held myself in my own arms.
"I cannot believe this Lia, you aren't playing me, right? Deadass?" She asked, and I nodded.
Bambam on the other hand look annoyed, "Care to explain what is going on?" He asks, and Ruby turns toward him with an ecstatic look, "THIS HOE OVER HERE!" She yells as she points toward me in all my glory, "DID THE DIRTY! WITH A RICH OLDER MAN!"
Bambam gasps, "Lia, you animal!"
I laugh at my friend's nonconventional outburst, "Why am I still friends with you guys?"
Ruby stands up, "Nobody's perfect! I've gotta work it again, and again til--"
Bambam joins in and they both attempt to harmonize terribly very off key. "i mAke IT rIGHT~~ nOboDy's pErfeEEEccTT!"
I clap, "STANDING OVATION!" and they both bow.
"Thank you! Thank you! We are only here for one night~"
I smile at my friends and their wacky chemistry. Yeah, I was practically a third wheel the entire time, but they made me seem important even when they went on dates -- inviting me because my ex decides to dump me on their anniversary, and they decided to be my emotional support on their special day.
Only to have me cry more because they look super happy, and I wasn't but they don't need to know that!
What? I'm selfish!
Looking at the time, "Shit I've got to head home now!" I exclaim as I spring up from my chair racing toward the elevator.
"Lia!" Ruby calls out, "Take my car it will be fast." She says as she throws her keys toward me.
"Thanks!" I say before going into the elevator, "BYE LOVE BIRDS!"
They yell a goodbye back, and I race toward the parking garage to find Ruby's car.
Dad's going to kill me!

tainted kisses || pcy
Fanfictionpark rosalie wasn't expecting to get pregnant through a one night stand. but she does. and she also doesn't expect to meet the love of her life at a strip club. but she does. - © nettiiko 2019 park chanyeol x reader exo au