i am running away ♥

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"Pack lightly okay? We will pick you up at midnight." Ruby instructs me as she drops me off at my house, "Yes boss!" She rolls her eyes before speeding off.

So it's come to this huh? 

After our crying session instead of sleeping, we decided to look for a place I would stay at for the time being. In the end, we find a nice apartment looking for a roommate. It's still in the city but not in my father's territory, so he can't actually set foot in it unless he wants to start a war again.

I hope he's learned his lesson, but he's a stubborn old bastard.

"I can't believe you just disappear like that." Anna scolds, and I turn to her, "I said I was staying at Ruby's place Anna, and you should find some friends instead of stalking me you creeper." I tease, and she takes it lightly but I mean it.

Once I'm gone it's just going to be her and father. Please, Anna, find some friends.

Walking past her into the house my father is laying on the couch watching the Sunday morning tv shows, "About time you come home Rosalie, we thought you ran away or something." He says, d-did he find out? 

Waiting for him to yell, he instead laughs, "You should've seen your face! As if you've seen a ghost or something. Priceless!" 

He doesn't know thank God.

"Haha so funny I almost laughed," I mumble before going to my room.

I need to pack lightly most of my clothes won't fit me anyways plus I can always buy later, and as Ruby instructed me I pack lightly. I also pack my jewelry I have a feeling I can pawn those when I'm desperate. 

Dang Rosie, you are the smartest person I've ever met!

I compliment myself for awesome thinking skills. I want to thank that TV show about pawn cool stuff, you are a real one no cap!

"What are you doing?" Anna scoffs as she watches from my doorway as I fist pump the air silently. "What do you think? Giving myself a confidence booster talk duh."

Anna watches me for a second before coming inside my room quickly putting my getaway bag in my closet, so she won't see it because she might look dumb but she is actually really smart.

 The complete opposite of me -- I was labeled 'The Beautiful, Elegant, Intelligent Park. Even though only 1/3 of that is true. Beautiful yes, but elegant and intelligent? What a joke I was far worse behind the scenes. 

Anna, on the other hand, was labeled -- 'The Punk, Misfit, Edgy Chic Park.' of course they weren't going to actually call her stupid, but that's what there were implying! Which I found very rude, so when I went to tell them about it they saw a side of Rosalie Park no one has ever seen before.

One of the editors behind that magazine said he saw horns grow out of my head, and that behind me fire erupted from the floor like those girls in anime! 

"What's that bag?" she asked, "Oh it's the bag I took to Ruby's I'm throwing it in the laundry soon." I lie like the motha fuckin boss I am, but Anna doesn't seem convinced. 

"How are you okay?" she asks another question, and I freeze did she find out?

"Huh? Quick talking in some cryptic code, and just tell me what the hell you want." I grumble this is getting more and more fishier. What exactly does she want?

She comes and sits on my bed, "H-how are you coping?" she asks again, and I realize this must be so hard on Anna. She wasn't as close to mother as I was, but she seems to be taking this harder than I am which says a lot.

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