- Pisces -
"So what now?" I look over at Capricorn who is just staring off into space.
"I really have no idea. What do people normally do after they just got married?" he looks at me, his eyebrows raised.
I shrug, looking around at the mess left behind from the after party.
"Everybody's gone. It feels so weird, usually we're all together."
"It's different from now on. It's gonna be just you and I all the time," he wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him. I take my heels off and lean back.
"Let's just hope we don't get sick of each other,"
That earns a laugh out of him. I rest my head on his shoulder. I can't believe he's mine forever.
- Leo -
I grip the steering wheel, squinting my eyes to see through the pitch black fog.
"My feet are aching," Libra whines. "Can we stop by the nearest market then go to your place?"
She shrugs. "It's like the middle of the night and I'm not down to go home alone... also, I want food."
"When don't you?"
I make a U-turn and head towards a shopping center. I pull up to Stater Brothers. She practically limps out of the car and towards the door. I stop her once we reach the door.
"Little overdressed for Stater Brothers, huh?" I say.
"What, are you gonna tell me to take off my clothes?" she looks down at her periwinkle strapless dress, hugging her body at the waist then loose, a slit in the dress revealing her leg. The chest part to the waist is laced, the rest is a silky material, and she looks gorgeous in it.
"No," I chuckle. I lean behind her and pull a shopping cart out. "Take your heels off,"
"Okay?" she slowly takes them off, eyeing me. "You tryna rape me or something?"
"No. I'm gonna lift you into the cart."
"I'm too fat, I'll break it."
"Shut the fuck up and let me help you, you fucking idiot."
"I respect that," she nods solemnly. "Okay! Lift,"
I hoist her up and into the cart, and she squeals, "Shut up, if somebody sees us, they'll think you're actually being raped."
She laughs and kisses my head. I try not to smile. I have to though. I can't control it.
I put my hands on the cart and murmur a 'okay' then wheel her inside. I push off my feet and roll her down through the aisles super quickly. I can tell she's trying not to scream, but she does scream a little bit, gaining us angered stares from exhausted shoppers and employees.
I stop by the food aisle and slow down our movement.
"What should we get?" I ask. She looks down at her stomach then frowns. I put a finger under her chin and lift her head up so that she can see the annoyed look in my eyes. "Hey, my eyes are up here. You're not fat, you idiot."
She rolls her eyes but smiles anyway. "You know I am..."
"I don't care. You're gorgeous."
"You're just saying that to get laid."
"That's just a benefit. You're fucking gorgeous."

Dancing In The Stars
Romance#2/12.5k IN ZODIAC (top rank so far) After Pisces' and Capricorn's wedding, everything seems like it's falling into place; relationships grow stronger with each passing day, everybody is settling in, and the chaos is contained. However, we all know...