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- Sagittarius -
I'm so unprepared for this date I'm about to go on. I'm wearing my black ripped jeans and a dark red, short, tight shirt. It's spaghetti strapped, and it shows off cleavage.

I wear a jean jacket on top and some wedged short and scrappy black boots.

I put my hair in a high ponytail, because I have no idea what else to do with it. All in all, I look casual but not too casual.

I begin to apply mascara when Aquarius's voice startles me, "Woww," he says.

I roll my eyes and use a wipe to clean up the mascara that is now imprinted on my eyelid. "You messed me up,"

"You look sexy," he says.

I pause and look at him. He looks back, then suddenly his jaw drops. "Oh, sorry! Wait, don't get the wrong idea. I meant as a friend, you know, I'm complimenting you. Because I'm your friend,"

I purse my lips and look back at the mirror, finishing my other eye. "Thanks," I say.

"Yep," he pops the 'p'. "I'm going now," he quickly rushes out.

"Hey!" I yell. He comes back in.


"Can you maybe... drop me off and pick me up?"

"Yeah, sure," he says, his voice lowering.

"Great, let's go,"

I get there a few minutes early, so I'm not surprised when he isn't there. I sit at a table and wait.

Half an hour later, I'm still waiting. It's twenty minutes past the time we were supposed to meet.

"Are you ready to order, ma'am?" The waiter says. I shake my head.

"I'm waiting for somebody. Thank you, though,"

The guy frowns. "Are you sure you'd like to continue waiting? You've been here for quite a while,"

"It's okay, I'll wait. Thank you, um,"

"Malachi. I'm wearing a spare uniform because someone barfed on my original, that's why I don't have my name tag,"

"Oh, so that doesn't say good things about the food, huh?"

He laughs, "Hope I didn't drive you off!"

"My name is Sagittarius,"

He nods. "Were you waiting for a guy?"

I nod.

"Oh, well. He clearly isn't worth your time. How about I give you my number?"

I smile. "Charming,"

He laughs, his cheeks reddening. "I'm not too great at this, picking up girls while they're waiting for their boyfriends,"

"Actually, we're engaged," I say, making my face look serious. "And frankly, I'm insulted that you would make a pass at me when I'm madly in love!"

His jaw drops. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I didn't see a ring."

"I'm kidding. Give me your phone, I'll put my number in,"

He rolls his eyes and hands me his phone. I put my number in and give it back to him.

"I should probably go, I have customers waiting,"

"Oh, forgot that I was in a restaurant getting stood up,"

"At least you have a cute guy's number now,"

"You are bad at this,"

"I really am, huh." He smiles, his brown eyes smiling more than his mouth. He walks away.

I get my purse and get out of the restaurant.

"SAG!" A voice calls out to me.

I look up, "God..?"

"No, me. Sorry, I was late. I had -"

I look over and see Brendan. "Nuh uh, I don't wait for anybody. Your loss. Bye, bitch."

"Wait, please. I really like you."

"If you liked me you wouldn't have stood me up."

"Come on, I'm here now. Let's go in."

"Sorry, I lose interest when you treat me terribly every day then make me wait. Well, like I said, I don't wait for anybody,"


He follows me all the way to my car.

"I would suggest you move. Otherwise, I might follow my gut and run you over,"

Before I shut the door, I hear, "Sag, please!" And then he's gone. I close my eyes tightly then open. Whatever, not like I liked him anyway.

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