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• 5 months later •

- Pisces -

I rest my hand on my still-growing stomach.

"We have an ultrasound today to check how she's doing," Cap calls out from across the room. "I totally forgot. We need to hurry, we're gonna be late."

"Oh, shit," I look down at the clothes I'm wearing now; a yellow sundress. It's okay. Nobody's gonna judge a pregnant woman. "Can you grab me my flip flops?"

"Already on it," he brings them to me. I put them on quickly. He takes my hand and pulls me up, holding my hand for a minute. "I'm so happy that she's still here," he smiles, putting a hand on my stomach.

I smile uneasily. He lets go of my hand and we start walking towards the car.

I'm not getting my hopes up. My baby girl has a fatal condition. Her bones are literally breaking. Nobody has ever survived this.

An hour later, they finally call us in. As he always does during our doctor appointments, Cap is squeezing my hand tightly.

"Okay. Have you had any irregular pain or any blood in your vomit?" The nurse says, getting right to it.

"I've had some back pain, but that's about it," I say. Cap squeezes my hand tighter. I kiss his cheek, hopefully calming him down.

"Alright. That sounds about normal," she smiles, "let's do your ultrasound now,"

I lie down and roll up my dress. She opens the jelly and comes to the side of my bed. "You know the drill, hon. It's gonna be cold," she warns.

I nod. She applies the jelly and gets the little machine thingy. She uses that to look over my stomach. Her eyes focus on the ultrasound picture. I watch her intently.

She creases her eyebrows. My heartbeat picks up increasingly. "What's wrong?" I say, my breath hitching in my throat. Please don't say she's gone. I already lost Libra.

"Oh, don't be scared!" She says. "She's okay. I'm just confused. I've never seen a baby live through this. It's a miracle. I'm happy to say that you're in the safe zone. She's going to live,"  she wipes the jelly off my stomach and rolls my dress back down.

"Really? Oh my gosh!" I smile widely, kissing Capricorn. Afterwards, we rest our foreheads against each other.

"I'll leave you guys to it, you're free to go whenever you're ready." She leaves, closing the door behind her.

"So now that we know that she's gonna be okay, will you do it with me?" Cap says, crossing his fingers and biting his bottom lip with hope.

I laugh. "Yes, I'd love to. Call Cancer and Taurus!"

He does so quickly, finally letting go of my hand. I shake my hand off, cold air cooling my sweat down.

"Yeah, hey. Taurus? Yeah. You know how we said we would- oh yeah, for sure. Okay. We'll get the supplies, just head over here. Of course we will! Okay, see you soon." He says on the phone, pausing in between each sentence.

"Let's go get the paint. We'll get blue for their room, and pink for our girl."

"Should we invite Sag?" I ask, climbing off the bed.

"You can try. Aquarius told me she won't leave her room, not even when Brendan told her to."


"Her boyfriend and co-worker, apparently."

"Oh, okay. Well, maybe she'll listen to me. Drop me off there, get the paint, and pick me up afterwards,"

About a month ago, when we found out we were having a girl, Cap asked me if I would paint a room with him for her. I told him not until we know that she's gonna be okay for sure. Then, he promised Cancer and Taurus that we'd paint a room with them for their baby boy if they helped us with the room for our girl. We thought it'd be a good way to reunite, especially because after Libra died, everybody fell apart.

- Aquarius -

"Sag," I say harshly. "Get up. You can't do this to yourself!"

"She's dead," she says bitterly.

"I know, and I know it sucks, but-"

"She just died without telling me," she says, heartbreak obvious in her voice.

"Sag.. you know it doesn't work like that,"

"No. I knew her my whole life. I was there for her when her mom died, and she was there for me when a boy first broke my heart. We told each other everything, and she didn't tell me the most important thing in her life. I should've known,"

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