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- Scorpio -

Virgo turns the doorknob to leave. "Stop," I tell her. She turns, a surprised look on her face.

"Um, okay.. why?"

"Where are you going?"

"To hang with Pisces,"

"No. Cap told me Pisces has an ultrasound today and they just got to the hospital. Why are you lying to me?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I'm going to see her at the hospital."

"Cap didn't mention her inviting anybody. He said he was taking her to dinner afterwards."

"How do you know that?"

"I was gonna ask him to come over."

"Okay," she releases her fingers from the doorknob, dropping her hand to her side.

"Are you self harming?" I ask, getting closer to her.

"Why would you accuse me of that?"

"Are you?" I ask louder.


"Show me your neck."


"Take off your shirt and show me your neck," I tell her.

"What the fuck?"

"Aries told me he saw something on your neck. Take off your shirt,"

She turns and opens the door, storming out while saying, "I can't believe you would accuse me of this!"

I follow her and grab her arm. "Take it off, now. Or I'll do it for you."

"That's sexual assault."

"It's not if I'm trying to protect you," I grab her shirt. She shoves me off.

"Don't touch me!" She screams.

"This has gone too far! Tell me what the fuck is going on!" I yell at her. The porch light of our neighbors house turns on, and the door swings open.

"What's going on out here?" A man asks.

Virgo looks at me, a sad look in her eyes. "He's assaulting me."

The man pulls out his phone. "I'm calling 911."

"No, this is all a misunderstanding," I say. "Don't call the police, sir, please."

"It's her call," he says. "Do I need to call the police or not?"

"Get out of my house, and I won't have him call," Virgo says. My jaw drops.

"This is my house," I say.

"Leave," he demands.

I swallow the lump in my throat and shake my head, defeated. "Fine, I'm leaving."

I walk to my car and get in. The man goes back in the house and a minute later, his lights are off.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be, Virgo," I say, my teeth clenched. Tears roll down her cheeks. "We were supposed to get married and have kids. I was supposed to make you feel safe,"

She doesn't answer, she just looks down, a sob escaping her lips.

"The ring is in my dresser, the third one, tucked into the red shirt that you loved so much. Figure out what you want to do with it. Throw it out, give it to someone else, keep it... Whatever. It doesn't matter. It doesn't belong to us,"

I slam the door shut, leaving her gaping, her hand clutching her shirt.

- Virgo -

I go inside, locking the door and running upstairs to our room.

I turn on the lamp, the lamp that he always reaches over to turn off before he kisses me and tells me goodnight.

I open the third drawer. I take the red shirt out. As promised, the ring falls onto the floor.

I pick it up. The diamond is large. It's gorgeous.

I feel my breathing pick up, faster and faster. Before I realize it, I'm hyperventilating. I threw what could've been a loving marriage away for what, a few nights of pleasure?

I should've just told him I was having an affair. It probably would've gone down easier than me accusing him of being a rapist and sending him to jail.

But it's over now. I panicked, and I ruined the only relationship that has ever made me happy.

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