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(hi, play the song.)

- Leo -

Leo - hey guys. I know Libra and I have been off the grid for a while. She was diagnosed with cancer about two months ago. We started chemotherapy last month, but she's really tired and we think it's time to stop. I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys earlier. It's been a lot for us. If you'd like to visit her, we're at the hospital on lemon street. Thanks.

I send the text and wait for the replies to roll in, but they don't. Nobody replies, they all just read the message.

Despite that, they all arrive at the hospital.

"Hey," Sagittarius says, peering through the crack of the door. "We're all here. We can go if you want, but they said that if you want us all in here, we're allowed."

"Come in," Libra says.

They all walk in, one behind the other. Scorpio sits in the corner, staring at Libra. Taurus sits by him, then Cancer, Pisces, Cap, Virgo, Sag, Aquarius, Gemini, and Aries.

It's silent for a good half hour.

"I'm pregnant," Cancer announces.

"I'm so happy for you," Libra manages to smile. I shut my eyes tightly for a little bit. I want to marry Libra, and I want to have her kids. But that's never gonna happen.

"I'm pregnant too," Pisces says, "but my baby is going to die," Capricorn takes her hand and squeezes it.

"Since we're making announcements," Scorpio begins, "Virgo cheated on me."

"I'm bisexual, but the person I'm in love with doesn't love me back," Gemini says.

"I get that," Aries says.

"I'm angry that my best friend didn't tell me the biggest thing that's happened to her," Sagittarius says. "And I'm sad that we all drifted apart before everything life changing got thrown at us."

"We didn't drift apart. We got busy," Aquarius says.

"You're never too busy for the people you love," Sag says. Scorpio scoffs.

"It's doesn't matter. We're here now," Taurus says.

"It's too late now," Sagittarius scowls.

The room goes quiet. I clear my throat, "I brought you a ring, Libra,"

"What?" She looks over at me.

I take the black box out and open it.

"That's a big diamond," she says weakly.

"I know, it cost a lot." I say. She smiles.

"Thank you," she says. I kiss her head and let my lips linger there a little. Her skin is cold.

I take her hand, which is trembling uncontrollably, and I put the ring on her finger.

"Pisces," Libra says softly. She takes deep, tired, and ragged breaths between each word. Pisces stands and comes to the edge of the bed. "I-" Libra begins. Her voice is scratchy. "I told Pisces when you said you wanted to marry me. She's going to certify it,"



I wipe my eyes, which are now wet with tears.

"I don't know it all," Pisces begins. "But I do know that you guys are the strongest couple I've ever met. I love you guys so much. And also, I didn't have enough time to memorize the whole thing, so I'm just gonna skip to the good part," she says.

Capricorn smiles, looking up at her with shining eyes. I wish I could have that forever,

I focus my eyes on Libra, and she looks at me like Cap looks at Pisces, but we both know it's temporary. I smile anyway.

Pisces clears her throat and the room is dead silent other than Libra's ragged breathing. My heartbeat quickens with fear. Please just make it through a few minutes.

"Okay. Leo, do you take Libra do be your wife, for better or- just say I do, both of you,"

I roll my eyes at Pisces but I look at Libra, still holding her hand tightly. "I do,"

"I do," she says.

"Congrats!" Pisces exclaims.

The room goes quiet again, and Libra looks at me, her eyes sad and her hand trembling in mine.

"I'm scared," she says.

"It's okay," I take the oxygen mask off. "You're gonna be okay,"


"Yeah. I love you,"

She nods, opening her mouth to say it back. All that comes out are gasps for air.

"It's okay, Li," I say, my voice cracking. "You can let go. It's okay. You can go,"

She smiles weakly, then her breathing becomes shallow. Her hand goes limp in mine.

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