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Things have been good in Beacon Hills, meaning that there hasn't been a bad guy for a few months now so the pack mostly dealt with school and human problems. But lately there has been bearly any of those either.

It was another day at school Lydia,Malia and Kira where in their third period witch was the only class theey had together while the boys were on others.

"So tonight girls night in my house" Lydia said to the other two girls.

"Who can say no to Lydia Martin?"Joked Kira."Of curse we'll be there, right Malia?"Kira points to Malia. "Right" Malia answers lost in her own world. "Hey do you guys know when is the next full moon?" Asks Malia. Kira takes out her phone to check her calendar.

"It's next Thursday" Said Kira as she kept looking through the calendar noticing a few test coming up until her eyes where set on a day with two sad phases on it. Her time of the month and she's late, two weeks late to be precise. Panic started rising, she and Scott have been careful but that didn't mean mistakes can't happened.

Lydia and Malia saw the look on their friend's face."What's wrong" asked Malia. 

"Umm... nothing I was checking something" Kira answer with a fake smile trying to cover it up.

"Kira your heartbeat is extremely fast right now so don't say is nothing" Malia Comments.

"Can we let it go, we are in class after all" With that Kira turn forward looking at the teacher and ignoring the questioning glances from Lydia and Malia.

At lunch everyone was sitting at their table wrap in their own conversations. Scott notice that Kira has been quiet all period and she smells nervous and scare. "Are you ok?" He asked her taking her hands in his  and intertwining their fingers.

"Yeah" Kira responded and after seeing the face he had tells her that he's not convince so she kisses him saying bye as the bell rings.

The day went by so slow to Kira, but when that last bell rang she headed to her car not bothering to say goodbye to her friends. She drove to the furthest drug store for about half an hour, not wanting anyone to find out. When she got there, she pick out one of the pregnancy test and headed to pay ignoring the judgment looks the cashier was giving her.She drove home as fast as she could.

Getting home she found her mom in the living room only saying hi before heading to her room right away. Putting her bag on the bed and taking out the pregnancy test she made her way to the bathroom. She leaves the test on the her bathroom and starts pacing in around her room waiting for the five minutes to pass by. She doesn't realize that she's crying until she feel tears falling on her hands. She hears a knock on the door before it slowly opens revealing Scott, she sets eyes back on the alarm clock on her nightstand realizing the five minutes have already passed.

"What are you doing here?" Kira asks wiping her tears quickly.

"I came to check on my girlfriend, I know you're not ok so just tell me what's wrong." Scott made his way over to her and wipe the remaining tears with his dum looking her right in the eyes.

"Scott I just want to be alone right now. We'll talk later okay, I Love you." Kira pleaded for him to leave.

"Fine. I love you too." Scott said as he headed out the door. Kira watched him leave before taking a deep breath and walking over to the bathroom. With eyes close she grave the test whispering "Is now or never" as she open her eyes.

So this is my first fan fiction so let me know what you guys think and don't be afraid to send in prompts. Thankss for reading

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