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A terrified Scott look every corner around Kira's house and tried to follow her scent but it was as if she had disappeared. "Scott you need to calm down she's going to be alright." Stiles tried to calm Scott down.

"He's right Scott, if something had happened to her you would've felt it by now, perks of being an alpha." Derek said as he joined the rest of the pack in the living room, who where trying to figure out how to get Kira back. It was a full moon tonight so the wolves had two things to worry about.

Back to Kira

She doesn't know how long she had been in the car for but she knew she was taken out of town. When they finally got to the place, Kira was carried into a building and set down in a room semi comfortable. "Ahhhh!" Kira yelled as another contraction hit her. Her breath was now heavy and she was sweating, her hand on her stomach. She watches as a woman comes into the room. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"She is here to help you give birth." Answered the man that had taken her to van. "Your pack did a good job keeping you protected from me all this time but I knew at some point they would leave you by yourself. But now that you're in labor I can't kill you so I'll have to wait for that thing to come out then kill it." Said the man with a smile on his face.

"What! Noo" Kira yelled as shocks of lightning came out of her body and hit everything around her. The woman step back from her as so did the man. Kira got up from the bed eyes glowing bright orange. "You'll have to kill me first if you want to kill my baby!" She shocked everyone who got on her way as she left the building, running towards the woods. She ran until the point where she couldn't anymore the baby was coming and she was alone in the middle of the woods. She laid against a tree screaming from pain tears in her eyes. "Scott! Scott Scotttt!!!" She scream as she left the baby push even harder.

Back to Scott...

All the wolves in the room stand in alarm as they heard Kira scream. "She's in labor!" Scott yelled running out the door and getting on his bike heading towards the screams. He had to get there on time Kira and the baby need him and he wasn't going to leave them alone. Derek and the rest of the pack got on their cars following Scott, taking Melissa with them just in case.

Scott followed Kira's scent into the building, seeing bodies on the floor. He made his way over to the room where Kira was hoping to find her there, but was only met by the man that had taken her away from him. Anger filled his body wanting to kill the man causing him to wolf out. "Please not even a true alpha can kill me so just let me finish what i came to do." The man smirked as if he had already won the battle.

"Where is she?!" Scott yelled at the man. But as he got no answer causing him to grab the man by the neck and send him across the room. Scott was surprise when the man got up quickly and ran up to him making Scott hit and brake the wall. He felt weak like his body was giving up but he hear Kira scream again calling him for help. And that gave him the strength that he needed to get up and fight. Scott fought harder than ever before with strength he didn't know he had, when he was on the line of killing the man Noshiko appeared and stab the man right in the heart making him fall to the floor. She saw as the man gave her a 'why' look.

She looked him right in the eyes. "You can only ve killed by your own blood and I was not going to let you kill my daughter." She said to him as she ripped an identical pendant to the one she has from his neck. She followed Scott as he left the building, having what just happened to be a secret to the two.

The pack was already there and started to follow Scott as he ran into the woods in the search for Kira. They found her on the floor leaning against a tree crying in pain. Seeing as it was too late for her to be taken to the clinic. Scott called Deaton telling him to come as fast as he could. Melissa tried to get Kira to relax but nothing work so Scott took her hands in his only to feel his fingers break under the pressure. It took Deaton a couple of minutes to get there but when he did, he arrived in a van that was a portable clinic and had Mara by his side. Making his way over to the pack he told them to move Kira to the van. Once Kira was in the van Mara and Melissa took over from there leaving the rest outside to pace around.

Once a baby cry was heard everyone stood up in happiness. Scott quickly went inside to see the baby and taking him in his arms. "Congratulations" Said Melissa and Mara. Scott kissed Kira's forehead smiling down at the baby. "What's his name?" Asked Melissa. Scott was about to answer but stop when he saw the love of his life blackout.

Kira saw everything blurry and as her eyes close she heard Scott calling her name. "Kira, Kira, Kira honey!" And then she fell unconscious.

Sorry for late update but it kept getting erase so i had to restart twice literally felt like giving up at some point. The good news is you guys get to pick the name of the baby remember is a boy. Thanks for reading vote and comment.

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