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Three months later...

Kira's Pov:

Finally today is the day we graduate, the day we all been waiting for. I look in the mirror before getting dress and stare at my baby bump. Is not telly that big since I'm only four months but everyday it feels more and more real specially since where going to find out the sex of the baby tomorrow. Is not as if i didn't know I'm pregnant but is just now that it hits me. I'm going to be a mother. I'm I ready to be a mother or will I be a good one? Ohh god i start to panic until I hear a knock on the door. The door opens reveling Scott.

"Hey you're not dress yet and we have to go." Scott walks over to me and put his hand on my belly kissing me forehead. "Yeah sorry got a little distracted." I walked over to my closet and put on the dress that Lydia had chosen for me. It was lose so my belly wouldn't show but it was short and showed a bit of cleavage now that the pregnancy has made my boobs bigger. "I'm not sure i want you wearing." Scott looked at me up and down. "Why not?" I gave him an excuse me look. "Is because i don't want any other guy looking at you." He confessed walking over to me and pulling me into him arms.

"Am pregnant and all you're still get jealous?" A smile spreading across my face. "Yeah now more than ever because is two of you" He joked before kissing my lips. Pulling away he took my hand in his moving towards the door. " Ready?" He asked and I nodded. Graduation went by fast and for me it was as boring as expected.

After the ceremony was over and we all got our diplomas with the exception of Liam, we headed to the pack's spot in the woods, where we could all be ourselves. The parents had set up a big table with food and drinks. Everyone was here parents, the entire pack like our little family party. I watch as the guys are playing lacrosse, even Derek had decided to okay this time. As I went to get a drink I could feel that I was being watched, I look back at the pack but they're all involved in their own thing.

I could swear I saw a cute little bunny and I don't know why but I felt like going after it. As I start to walk towards it Scott comes after me. "Hey honey what are hoy doing here by yourself?" He asked me in a nervous tone pulling back toward the pack. "Nothing I just though I a bunny." I went with him without hesitation. When. got back to the pack he gave Derek and Liam a look and they started running towards where I was going. "Was going on, where are they going?" I look him in the eyes. "I think that Liam forgot something in the car don't worry. Lydia wants to talk to you." He pulled me towards Lydia. I knew he was lying but why. Lately I have been treated like a porcelain doll, I can't remember the last time I went out by myself or was by myself for that matter.

Scott's Pov:

After i left Kira with Lydia, I went to follow Derek and Liam only to find them coming back. "What happened?" I asked. "You were right they were here but they took off" Derek informed me. Anger came over me and I could feel my eyes glow red. "Calm down! they didn't get to her so unless you want her to suspect something you news to relax" That was Liam talking a time ago it would've been me telling to calm down. "But they where close." I groaned at them. "Don't worry we'll be on alert" Derek reassured me.

We headed back to the pack as if nothing had happened. I looked over to Kira but she looked mad. I walked over to her pulling her into my arms but when i tried to kiss her she avoided me. "What did I do?" I asked her, looking at Lydia for an answer but she didn't know either. "Why do you keep lying to me, you know I'm pregnant not stupid?" She looked at me with watery eyes. "Baby you know I would never hurt you." "That wasn't my question. Are you seeing someone else, because you know I'm all big and.. " I shut her up with a kiss. "You know that I love you and that you'creo my everything." I cupped her face with my hands. "I don't know and that's what scares me the most that someday you get bored or just don't love ment anymore." I pulled her into my chest.

"That would never happen I love you too much, but in case you feel like I would you're allowed to shock me and let me sleep alone." She laugh and that made my heart feel whole again. "Good because you're all mine." She press our lips together putting her hands around my neck and ony pulled apart when I heard Stiles yelling to get a room. Kira and I both laugh at that but the adults just gave him a serious look.

The day was spend like that just the pack together having fun and laughing for this day we where all just a group of normal people who didn't have to worry about supernatural stuff. Honestly I couln't wait for tomorrow I was finally going to find out if we ate having a boy or girl.

So guys I want you to chose the sex of the baby so please comment what you want it to be. The gender with the most comments wins, remember I can't update until you guys chose. Thanks for reading hope you have a nice day.

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