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Kira's Pov:

There they are the people that killed my parents. Anger takes over my body and before I realized it, I'm holding who I assume is the alpha by his neck ready to electrocute him if he fights back. But he doesn't fight back he just stares at me with those eyes that somehow make my knees weak.

"Kira is me Scott. Your Scott, the one that loves you more than life. We need you back, our son Ian needs you back." He says trying to calm me down and for a second I believe him but then I remember everything that Teresa and girls told me.

"Lies!!!!!" Is screamed throwing him nearest tree. I can see the rest of his pack trying to help him but Teresa, Hillary and Catalina  hold them back. I walked towards Scott who's already standing up.

"I'm not going to hurt you, just listen to me please what have they done to you?" I try to laid a punch on him but he just kept avoiding me. When I throw the next punch he catches my arm pulling me close to him. We were so close that I could feel his hot breath hit my face and it felt so good. I tried get loose of his grip on me but he just tightens it. "Tell me you don't feel right being here in my arms, tell me that the only reason that your heart is beating so fast is because you hate me."

"Let me go, you're a monster!" I screamed at him and I could see that my words had hurt him a bit.

"Why, what did I do?" He asked me still holding me close. Anger took over my body again as I remember what he did and I shocked him making him loose his hold on me.

"You killed my parents! Now is your turn." I walked over to him ready to take his life.

"I love you and in the name of that love and our son Ian, I will get my Kira back." Before I knew it he was gone and I was left alone. "Our son?" I whisper to myself. I can't have a son with the man that killed my parents that's impossible. Panic took over my body as I remember that this past few weeks I've been having dreams about a baby but they were never clear. I shake the thought out of my head believing that he's just playing with my head.


"Its been two weeks since what happened with the McCall pack, she's been training none stop since then. What's wrong with her?" Hillary asked Teresa.

"She's confused, she doesn't know what to believe anymore." Teresa answered without a worried in her voice.

"Won't that make her turn against us? at this rate she will remember in no time." Catalina argued.

"Don't you think I know that?" Asked Teresa angrily now.

"Then what are you going to do about it?" Hillary and Catalina asked in union.

"You are to give her another doze of Lethary Vulpina to erase her memory" Teresa said with a smirk on her face.

"Then what!?" Asked Hillary.

"Then we send her to kill the only thing that keeps her tied down to that pack" Both Hillary and Catalina give Teresa a confuse look not knowing exactly what she means. "Her son, we send her to kill her son."

"What! You want her to kill an innocent baby, her own son none the less. That will destroy her soul it will turn her into a monster!!" Catalina argue screaming at Teresa.

"You will not raise you voice at you alpha and what I say goes is an order!!!" Catalina whimper at the alpha tone that Teresa was using.

"How you suppose that Kira kills that baby when he will have all type of protection on him?" Hillary asked.

"We'll make the distraction so they have to leave him unprotected, so get ready the sooner the better." With Hillary and Catalina left to complete their alpha's orders.


"Scott their back in the woods!" Derek yelled as he enters the McCall household.

"Okay, call everyone tell them to meet us there." Scott told Derek then turns to his mother. "Mom care of him and if anything happens call me." Melissa nodded yes telling him to be careful. Scott kiss both Melissa and Ian in the head before heading off with Derek.

Melissa turns to Ian taking him in her arms. "I guess is just you and me for tonight" After about 20 minutes since Scott had left the doorbell rings, Melissa puts Ian on his crib and heads down stairs putting her phone on her back pocket. When she gets to the door her eyes widen with surprise when she sees is Kira. Before she can say anything pushes aside and enters the house.

"Where's the baby!?" Kira asked in a harsh tone.

"What do you want with Ian?" Melissa asked scare. Scott had told her everything that happened in the woods so now she fears for Ian's life.

"That is none of your business" Kira answered and before Melissa knew she was being dragged to the closet where Kira locked her in.

"Kira please don't hurt he's your son" Melissa yelled crying. She quickly remember her phone and dialed Scott."Scot, Kira is here she's going to killed Ian" She tells Scott sobbing.

"I'll be right there" He answered hanging up the phone. Melissa kept yelling at Kira not to hurt Ian but Kira didn't pay her any attention.

Kira finally finds Ian room and heads towards his crib with a dagger in hand...

Sorry for taking so long to update but I've been really busy. Let me know what you think Kira is going to do, will she kill Ian or Scott will end up killing her in order to protect him.


and see you next time...

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