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Kira's Pov:

I could the sunlight hitting my face as I open my eyes slowly. When my eyes are completely open I look around, I'm in my room but I'm alone. Panicking I sit up on my bed. "Where's my baby!" I started to scream. "Scott! Where's my so..." I was pause by Scott opening the door, walking in with our son in his arms.He made his way over to the bed handing our son to me.

"His safe and healthy, you both are" He said giving me a kiss. I couldn't take my eyes off our son, he's so beautiful. "He looks like you" I finally looked up at Scott staring him right in the eyes. I'm pretty sure that he could see the happiness in my eyes. "But he has your beautiful eyes. Eyes that spread light up the room like you do" He rubbed his thumb over the baby's face. I tried to sit up a little more to kiss him but a hit of pain hit me. "Ohh don't do that, it will take you a few more hours to completely heal" He warned me not letting me get up. He sat next to me on the bed, we spend a few minutes like this until it was time to feed the baby that's when Melissa and Noshiko  came in.

Third Person Pov:

"Scott I think you should wait outside" They both said giving Scott a get out look. "Why?" He asked not wanting to leave. "Well we have to show Kira how to breast feed the baby, by the way what is his name?" Asked Melissa. Scott and Kira only smile at each other. "Ian... Ian Michelson" Answered Kira looking down at the baby. After that Scott was kick out of the room and Melissa and Noshiko started to the ropes of motherhood, but were both surprise when everything comes natural to Kira.

Kira was in the Ian's room putting him to sleep singing a soft lullaby to him not noticing that Scott was standing in the door. "You have an amazing voice and you're good with him." Scott whispered interruptinng Kira. Kira got up from the chair setting a sleeping Ian down on his bassinet. She walked over to him taking his hand in hers and walking to her room with a serious face. Closing the door behind them she let go of his hand. "You have lie and kept secrets from me these past nine months." She face him but her eyes were not tearing they were dried with a look that broke Scott's heart.

"Kira I can explain, I didn't want you to worry" Scott tried to pull Kira into his arms but she rejected him. "Scott you lie to me over and over again. How can I trust you, I know you think it was for my own good but that didn't give you the right to keep it from me. None!" She walked away from him, this is the first time he us ever seen her mad and he doesn't like it. "How could you!!" She turned back to him her face red with anger. Good thing she was completely heel otherwise the pain would just make her angrier. Scott didn't know what to do to calm her down so he just went with his instinct and grab her arm pulling her to him trapping her lips in his. She tried to pull away but his grip on her just tightened until she just gave into the kiss.

The kiss got intense by the second, they were letting each other give in to the love that they felt for one another. Scott guess that she had forgiven him. Pulling his lips away from hers he asked. "Does this mean that your not mad at me anymore?" She sigh responding "You're lucky that I love you. But you know I hate lies so from now on we can work on everything together no matter what." Scott just nodded his head yes. "Even if it is to protect me." He kissed her forehead pulling her close. He pulled her towards her bed. "You need to rest" He claimed as he put her on the bed laying next to her.

They only got to close their eyes for like an hour before Ian started crying. Scott was the first to wake and headed towards Ian's room. Picking him up and changing his dipper before taking him to Kira so that she could feed him. It amazed him to watch Kira breast feed Ian because to him it seems like one of the most loving things a mother can do for their child. He pulled both of then into his arms, this was his family and couldn't be happier.

Sorry guys I've been sick these pass days and unable to write much but here it is another chapter. I really enjoy reading your comments because they keep inspiring me to keep writing.

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