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Kira's Pov:

As I entered the room, the room the seems so familiar but can remember, even the smell sends tingles down my spine. I continued to walk towards the crib and when I finally reach it the knife I had been holding a few seconds before drops to the floor as I feel tears roll down my face. That's him, that's the baby that had been in my dreams for the past two weeks, ever since my encounter with Scott. That's him, that's Ian my son.

My knees started to feel weak causing me to drop to them. By this point I was sobbing as I remember giving birth to him or when we first brought him home or how sometimes he didn't want to sleep on his crib so he would sleep between Scott and I. How the only way he falls asleep is with a lullaby or how much he hates to be on his crib if his awake. I stood up and took Ian in my arms giving him a soft kiss on his forehead. A smile appeared on my face as I see his eyes flutter open, those beautiful eyes of his.

"Is me baby, is mom. The woman that will always love you more than anything or anyone." I whispered still sobbing. "I want to apologize for being away for so long. I didn't know what I was doing and for that I'm so sorry. But I promise you that mommy is going to make sure that the bad people pay for what they done." I cleaned the tears from my face but more just kept rolling down.


Scott had probably broken every speed limit on the way to his house, the fear of losing his son was making his head go crazy. When he finally got there he got of the bike quickly making his way to the house. When he got inside he heard his mom yelling from the closet but he didn't stop, he knew that she was okay so he had to make sure that his son was alive. He ran up the stairs taking three at a time, when he got to Ian's room he stopped at the door feeling as if his heart had stopped at the view that was in front of him.

There Kira was with their child in her arms, smiling down at their son how like a little girl looks when she just got her favorite toy on Christmas. Scott made sure to stay at the door and not make any noise so that Kira could enjoy their son for a few moments. He went back downstairs to let his mom out of the closet.

"What happened is Ian okay?!" Melissa asked him her voice a little rough from the screaming.

"He's okay, she didn't hurt him." Scott answered.

"Where is she?" Melissa feared that maybe the pack had to hurt Kira in order to stop her because to tell the truth she had grown to love her like a daughter already.

"She's up stairs with Ian, I thought I would give them some time since is been like 5 weeks since the last time she saw him." He explained as he moved to sit on the couch, Melissa sat next to him.

"Does she remember everything?" Melissa looked at her son with worry as she sees the pain her eyes.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her."

"The what the hell are you waiting for, get your ass upstairs now!!" Melissa order him pushing him off the couch. Scott made his way to Ian's room where he found Kira putting a sleeping Ian on his crib. Once Kira turned and saw Scott at the door she froze.

"Hey..." Scott said not knowing what to say. Kira speed walked to him and embraced him on a bone crashing hug. Scott was surprise at first but quickly wrapped is arms around her waist. After what seem like hours they pulled apart but were still holding each other.

"I'm so sorry..." Kira started but was cut off by Scott crashing his lips with Kira's. Things got heated up really quickly until they both pulled away in need for air. "I love you..." Kira whisper out of breath.

"I Love You too." Scott took Kira's face in his hands before kissing her again. "Maybe we should move this out of Ian's room." Kira nodded then wrapped her legs around Scott's waist as he walked them back to his room. When they got to Scott's room, he put Kira on his bed  then walked bad to lock the door, going back to the bed hovering over Kira then crashing their lips together. This was definitely what they need it, rip each others clothes off, kiss every part of each others body and just show the love they have for each other.


"She's not back yet!" Teresa screamed at Hillary and Catalina.

"You know that if she remembers she will come after us" Catalina stated.

"Are you scare of some kitsune?" Teresa teased.

"Of a kitsune no but remember we spend weeks training her to be a killer and the you send her to kill her own son, so yeah I'm a little terrified right now specially since they will all come after us and we don't have the advantage anymore." Catalina snapped.

"We'll figure something out like we always do." Teresa hoped that her two betas didn't see the fear in her eyes because like her mom used to say nothing is wore than an angry mom especially one with powers and has been trained.


After both getting dress Scott and Kira went down stairs only to be surprised by the entire pack and Kira's parents waiting for them. Before either of them can say something Lydia and Malia tackle Kira.

"God we missed you!" said Lydia and Malia agreed.

The next two that snapped the air out of Kira were her parents. "My baby are you okay?" Noshiko asked but before Kira could answer Noshiko hug her again.

"Mom I can't breath" Kira complained. Everyone got to hug and greet Kira. When Ian  started crying both Kira and Noshiko when to get him.

"We need to talk" Noshiko said as she passed Kira a warm bottle.

"About what?" Kira asked, she was truly curious why her mother wanted to speak to her alone even though everyone is still downstairs.

"You moving back to New York" She said calmly like is no big deal.

"Mom we talked about this I'm not moving especially not now Ian needs his father and everyone I love is here why you want me to move?!"

"Because at least there you won't be in danger, that baby right there hadn't seen his mom for 5 weeks, what  will happened if one day you don't come back. Dammit Kira is time you start thinking about his safety, his future. This town is not safe for nobody, you saying here is sentencing your death. I won't stay to watch my daughter die, but think about him, how if he grows up he probably will be fighting the same monsters as you." By that point Noshiko was already was in tears, not giving Kira a chance to say a word she stood up and left.

Every word that Noshiko said hit Kira like a knife to the heart. Kira knew her mom was right but is still a hard decision to make. What to do move back to New York or stay here?

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