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"Come on hold her down!" Teresa order her two betas.

"Don't you think we're trying!" Cathalina yelled back. In the exact moment the girl that Cathalina and Hillary were holding down got lose of the grip they had on her.

"Where am I and who are you people?" The raven girl asked getting on a defense position. She tried to remember anything but her brain was blank she didn't even remember who she was. "What happened to me?"

Teresa walked towards the girl. "Is okay. Is us your pack, your family." Teresa put on her fake nice face making her tone a bit softer to not scare the girl. "A pack killed your parents to get to you, and when they finally got to you they tried to kill you but thank god we got there on time. We saved your life but your memory was already gone." As the girl let her guard down Teresa got closer. The girl drop to the floor eyes watering and the girls went to hug her.

"Why... why would they do that?" The raven hair girl asks looking up at the other three.

"They are horrible people, they did it for fun because the wanted to hurt you Kira" Teresa stopped to see how the girl would react to her name.

"Kira, that's my name?" The three girls nodded yes. Kira looked down at the floor an unfocused look in her eyes. "What pack did this?" She asked.

Finally a question that Teresa was happy to answer. "McCall, the McCall pack did this." Kira looked up eyes full of hatred. Teresa was happy to see this new Kira and she was going to manipulated her as long as she wanted. "I know that you want to avenge your parents, but for that you need to be ready. You need to become the killer that they'll fear. We can help you become that, we can train you just like we did before but that's only if you want to."

"When do we start?" Kira asked in a firm tone that made all other three smirk in an evil way.

At the McCall Pack...

"How is he?" Melissa asks Melia who had stayed to look over Melissa and Ian.

"He's a mess, Kira has been gone for three day and nothing is like she vanished into thin air. He doesn't know what to do, the mother of his child is missing and he feels lost." Malia responded walking over to Ian taking him in her arms.

"I can't imagine what he's going through." Melissa stopped when she saw Scott coming in, she could see by his expression that he hadn't found out anything about Kira. She was about to ask him how he was but was stopped when he said.

"I just want to be with Ian right now" Scott said as he walked over to Malia taking Ian from her. Malia and Melissa walked out of the room leaving Scott and Ian alone.

"I'm so sorry, I've fell you and your mom. I supposed to protect both of you but I fell. And now you don't have her smile or her warm or her at all here and is because I wasn't capable of protecting the ones that I love and I am so sorry for that because of me she's not here with you making you smile like only she can." Scott talked to his son with tears in his eyes voice broken down. His voice got firm. "But I promise you that I will her back."

She wolves pack...

It had been about to two weeks since they had taken Kira. Kira had gotten exceptionally good with weapons thanks to Hillary, awesome with disarmed fighting with the help of Cathalina and fierce with her powers thanks to Teresa's help. They had done it, they made a killer out of a naive girl. They had destroyed the clumsy, nice, loving girl whyo had a baby four months ago.

"Are you ready will be in Beacon Hills tomorrow night." Teresa based Kira.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Kira responded.

The next day...

The wolves of the McCall pack had heard howl and immediately went to follow it. The howls had led to a spot in the middle of the wood. Scott, Stiles, Liam, Lydia, Malia and Derek had all gotten there at the same time. When they arrived they are met by three women clearly wolves.

"What do you want?" Asked Scott in a firm tone.

"Relax little wolf, we thought there's someone you would want to see." Teresa laughed. At that moment Kira appeared.

The pack was all stunned and happy to see that Kira was okay. Scott's heart stopped for a moment, that is Kira but at the same time she wasn't. She was wearing black low waisted leather pants, a loose white crop top, black knee high boots, with a short leather jacket. She also had a string of red in her now rebel curled hair. But what looked the most different were her eyes; full of hatred, and anger.  That girl standing in front of him might be Kira but she definitely was not his Kira and that hurts.

Hey guys here is another chapter hope you like. The story is going to take a dark side where we have Kira as the villain so let me know what you think. And if you like this story I would really appreciate it if you guys read my other story 'Something New'.

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