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Scott's Pov:

"Scott!" I heard my mom yelled from down stairs. I made it downstairs before she could yell again but as I open my mouth to ask what happened she asks "What did you do?" I started to freak out did she find out about Kira and the baby oh God. I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about

"What are you talking about?"

"Well Kira's dad just invited us to dinner tonight, are you falling his class. Scott you know this is your senior year just less than four months and I want to see my baby graduate." I relax a little a small smile on my face.

"Mom I'm not falling any classes, I promise I would graduate this year and I will so don't worry. They probably want to get to know you." I kissed her head and pulled her into a hug messaging her back with my hand.

"Okay we'll leave around seven so make sure you're ready by then and no supernatural excuses" She jokes letting go of me and going up to her room. Part of me was happy about tonight and the other part was about to have a panic attack God I hope Kira is doing better than me.

Kira's Pov:

Man I'm exhausted all I want to do is go to bed and wake up tomorrow. It felt like I was in that supermarket for days when it was only an hour. I help mom with the bags taking the heaviest one completely forgetting that I'm pregnant. As I made put the bags in the kitchen my body begging to go to bed. "Kira" my mom interrupts my train of thought. "We need to talk in the office in 5" Not giving me a change to answer she move to put the groceries in their place.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face so that I actually don't fall sleep. I head to the office which I never understood why they had an office but never really bother to ask either, I walk in my mom telling me to close the door as I get in. "What's going on mom?" I asked a little nervous as to what she wanted to talk about without dad in the room.

"Mind to explain" she pulls out the pregnancy test that I had taken yesterday. Oh god is like my mind when blank embarrassment taking over my face, my only response was to hang my headland look at the floor not knowing how to answer.

She took a deep breath then made her way over to me wrapping her arms around me. "You're not mad?" I asked her."I was pissed, angry even at first but I'm at peace with it now, as I'm guessing this dinner is to tell us about it" I nodded my head "When did you find out?" I asked her. "I suspect it for a few weeks now this test just proves it plus I'm your mother and also a kitsune." She says as if there was nothing wrong with that. "Apparently everyone knew I was pregnant before me" I murmured but she was still able to hear it. She gave me a long but I couldn't make out what she was feeling, especially since she's really good at hiding emotions. "You're disappointed" I stated.

"No" she pauses for a second and continue. "Is just I wanted you to live and explore the world and then settle down when you're a 100% sure that this is going to make you happy. I didn't want you to be tied down so early and be miserable, it was my job to make this didn't happen but I failed." Somehow every word she just said felt like a bag of guilt. "What! No mom I'm not miserable and you're not to blame for any of this. You haven't failed anything you know why, because I am happy mom. And you know that I don't like moving around too much but mom all I ever wanted and needed is to be surrounded by the people that I love, that's all I've ever needed to be happy." I explained as a few tear ran down my face. "I am happy mom as happy as I ever been." I could see tears running down her face too but I just took her hand on mine.

"Anyway" She said willing away the tears. "I'm dying to see how you and Scott will tell us the news." she joked. "Me too." I responded receiving a reassuring smile on her face. "Come on, go take a nap you need it. Your father and I will get dinner ready." She kissed my head and motion towards my room. I headed to my bed not questioning her I mean mother do know best. As I lay on my bed I check the time I had about 3 hours before Scott and his mom come over so a little nap won't killed anyone.

I wake up rubbing the sleep out of my of my eyes, getting of the bed i noticed the time my eyes wide. Omg is 6:55 Scott and his mom will be here any minute. I ran to the bathroom getting in the shower quickly, the water feeling cold against my skin. Getting out of the shower I made my way over to my closet looking for something to wear. I put on a red dress that is tight in the stomach area and loose from the waist down with combat boots. "Good thing I'm not showing yet" I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before heading to the livingroom.

Mom is setting the table while dad is in the kitchen finishing dinner. I hear the doorbell and walked over to open it. "Hi" I greeted as i led Melissa and Scott inside the house, Scott giving me a peck on the lips. "Is a beautiful house" Melissa looked around. "Thankss, we try our best" We all turn around and see mom and dad walking towards us. "We're glad you could make it." Dad greeted them. "We're glad you invited us. But just to be clear Scott is not in trouble right?" Melissa asked in a joke tone. Dad laughed before answering "No, he's not in trouble. Shall we move to the table dinner is ready." Dad responded motioning towards the table.

We all sat down at the the adults quickly engaged in their own conversation leaving Scott and I to just look at each other. When every was done I offered to get dessert and of course Scott asked to help. "You looked beautiful" Scott said as we enter the kitchen. "Thank you." I took a deep breath my heart beating faster. "Hey, I'm here remember" He sad kissing my forehead. I took a sip of water and grab the plates as he took the cake in hand and walked back to the table.

As we walk back to the table I start to feel an overwhelming pain in my stomach that cause me to drop the plates. As I also start to fall vision blurry, I can feel Scott catching me. "Kira what's wrong? Kira!" He asked before my eyes shut and i blacked out.

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