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Kira's Pov:

As I open my eyes and take a look at the test, I see a + sign on. My hands shaking checking the information paper making sure to see what the plus sign is. I can feel tears rolling down my face " I'm pregnant" I whisper to myself as I fell to the floor. How did this happened we were so careful and taken precautions and everything. I don't know how long I sat there with my hands on my head tear rolling down my face.

I heard someone calling me but I couldn't answer I was lost in my thoughts and my body was frozen. I heard Lydia and Malia come into my room before they open the door to my bathroom. As they saw me they quickly went to pull me up and take me back to my bed. "OMG what happened are you okay?" Asked Malia but her question was answer when Lydia came out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test in hand.

"What are you guys doing here, I though girls night was later tonight at your house?" I asked Lydia trying to change the topic.

"Kira is almost 10 we where waiting for you but you never showed up and don't try and change the topic!" She answer back at me. Had I really spend hours in the bathroom. I looked down to my feet not knowing what to say.

Lydia sigh as she sat next to me on the bed and took my hand in hers. "Have you talked to Scott?" I nodded my head no.

"We are here for you no matter what happens and Scott will too" Malia spoke up.

"What am I going to do, I'm supposed to be going to college in a few months and im pretty sure Scott does not want to be a teen dad" I said as tears kept rolling down my face.

"We'll figure that out later but right now the most important thing is for you to tell Scott. So wash your face pick up your car keys and go to him" Said Lydia putting a demand tone on the last part.

"You want me to go now! I'm not ready for that. What am I going to say 'Oh hey baby im pregnant?" I said sarcastically. Neither of them answer they just grabbed my keys, a sweater and my purse then pull me out the door towards my car. "But im not even cold" I complained.

"Is so that the baby doesn't get cold" explain Malia, to which Lydia shook her head in amusement.

I took off in the car and drove as slow as I could. Not being ready to talk to Scott yet. I pulled up on his driveway on my way to his door I can feel my legs shaking. I knocked on the door two times the door being pull open a couple of seconds later by Scott. "Hey" he says greeting me as i still avoid his.

"Hi" I said back meeting his eyes with mine and suddenly every nervous bone in my body had disappeared.

Lydia's Pov:

"Why is she so freaked out is just a baby?" Malia asks me on our way back to my house. Sometimes I forget that the girl only gets so much and for all our sakes I hope Stiles is really the one in charge of the birth control and protection in their relationship. Because Malia is already a hormonal mess without being pregnant and im only going to handle one pregnant teen.

"Well Malia, being pregnant while being teen is not anyone's dream plus is hard and complicated to raise a child."I answered her.

"I don't get it" she said a little lost.

"Let's hope you don't have to for a while."

Sorry this is short, but as always I like reading you comments.

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