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"Kira please wake up. Please" Scott pleaded as tears roll down his face. "Scott she's going to be ok you need to calm down." Melissa tried to calm her son down. "Mom she's pregnant, I... I can lose them" Scott was still crying but Melissa was now in shock. "What!" asked Mr. Yukimura mouth wide open. "Okay, Deaton will meet us at the clinic. We need to go now." Noshiko interrupts getting her car keys. Scott pulls Kira in his arms and headed to the car with Noshiko leaving a very surprise Melissa and Ken behind. "I'm guessing you didn't know either?" Melissa asked Ken as they headed towards the other car to follow Scott and Noshiko.

The drive to the clinic felt like Scott was inside a race car, Noshiko probably broke every speeding limit on the way. When they got to the clinic, Deaton was already at the door holding it open for them. "Set her on the table" Deaton order Scott. "Are you sure she was poisoned?" He asked Noshiko. "Look in her eyes." She told him. Deaton open the girl's eye and saw bolts of lightning flowing through it. He quickly went to get a few herbs from the back cabinets making a liquid mixture out of it. Making his way back to Kira "Pull her head up" he told Scott. Scott did so seeing as Deaton made Kira drink the liquid. They all turned around when they heard the door open but calmed down once they saw it was Melissa and Ken. "How is she?" They both asked then they all looked at Deaton.

Kira unexpectedly sat up eyes wide open glowing orange. Scott held onto her waist so that she wouldn't fall but as soon as her eyes turned back to normal she fell sleep. Scott gave Deaton a questioning look. "It's okay she's just exhausted, but I'm going to need you to check the baby's heartbeat." Scott did as he was told and focused his hearing on the baby a smile creeping on his face. "Yeah he's okay, they're both okay." He lead the adults know holding Kira a bit tighter. But his happiness could only last for so long.

"You know this is just the beginning of it?" Noshiko asked Scott his smile disappearing immediately. "What do you mean, who was it that poison her?" His tone a little angry now. "The water she drank was poison by assassins send by a man with a power that compare to him Daucallion is a little puppy. They call him Lord of the dead." Everyone in the room looked at her like she had grown a second head. Scott panic a little inside. "Why does he wants her dead?" He was surprise when Deaton was the one to answer. "He's scare" he stated like it was obvious. "He's scare of the baby, it was bad enough that a true alpha is the father but also mixed with the last lighting kitsune alive. That baby will have power like none has ever seen." Deaton stop when he saw Melissa's face. "How did they know she's pregnant?" She asked.

"Because ever since the news that a wolf and a fox were together, he has had spies watching the two of you and in case this happened they had orders to kill her and the baby." Noshiko answered giving the other woman a look that only mothers understood. "How do we stop them?" Asked Scott. "I don't know yet, but until I do Kira can't be alone." Noshiko was going to everything she could to protect her family. Scott nodded at her setting Kira back on the table. "I'll let the rest of the pack know." He grab his phone, walked outside and started calling his friends letting them know everything that had happened tonight. His mom walking towards him minutes later. "So you're going to be a father that explaims the dinner" She joked. Scott hung his head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way." "I guess is official you're a grown man. You really love her don't you?" She asked a couple of tear rolling down her face. "I can't see my life without her in it." She gave him a small smile. "Then go back in there and make sure that you don't loose her" He order him point back to the clinic.

After they left the clinic Kira's parents insisted that Scott let them take care of her and he should go home. But once he heard them leave Kira's room he went in through the window, laying next to her and wrapping his arms around her wanting to know she was safe atleast for tonight. He can hear Kira's parents walking to their room. Once they get there they close the door.

"He would dare to kill her!?" Ken yelled. "You well know all he ever care was about power nothing else." Noshiko answered. "But kill his own family because his scare that a baby will overpower him. His own niece the girl that he once carried when he had a soul, your brother for crying out loud!" "That monster will need more than to share the same blood as me to be my brother.That's not my brother, to me he die when the demon side took over.But I promise you I'll find a way to stop him even if it means killing him myself."Noshiko headed over to the livingroom, using a pendant to activated the shield around the house so that no supernatural could get in or out.

Scott had listen to the entire conversation between Noshiko and Ken. Not sure what to think. Why was Noshiko's brother want to hurt his own family? Why was he so threatened by a baby? He was pulled out of his thoughts as Kira snuggled closer to him making him smile,the way she looked so peaceful. Whoever this new maniac is he won't let him hurt Kira or the baby.

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