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Kira couldn't help the tears that where rolling down her face. Nodding yes to Scott's question she took his face in her hands kissing his lip softly. "Yess, of course I'll marry you." She kissed him again this time longer. They parted and finished their desserts, they talked for a while legs playing with each other user the table. When they finally decided to leave they couldn't keep their hands of each other. They haven't been able to be together for months now so the passion had build up.

When the car stopped Kira noticed that this was not her house, it was Scott's. "What are we doing here?" She asked him looking out the window. "Well my monday is not home and I thought we be alone." Scott answered giving her a cheese smile. Scott help Kira out of the car, when he unlocked the front door he carried Kira marriage style. Once he got the his room he locked the door. He set her down on the bed kissing her lips before moving to her neck. "Your mom at work?" Kira questioned. Scott only nodded yes and keep kissing her. Man he wanted her. With their lips busy with each others Kira rolled them over so that she was on top. She took of her shirt then helping him with his. There wasn't a spot of Kira's body that Scott left without kissing.

A few moments later....

Cuddled with each other on the bed both completely naked, hands playing together. "What you think they'll say?" Asked Kira looking down at the ring on her finger. "I doesn't matter what they say what matters is that we love each other and want to spend the rest of our lives together. Plus is not as if they didn't expected it and I'm sure their going to be happy for us." Scott. kissed Kira's forehead.

Kira got up from the bed and started to put her clothes on, she stopped when she saw the confused look that Scott was giving him. "We have a son to go back to remember, we can't stay here all night." Kira walked over to the bed helping Scott up. "I know but I just wanted tonight to last as long as possible." He started to put his clothes on too. When they were both completely dress they headed towards the car, getting in and driving back to Kira's house. When they got there Scott took Kira's hand in his as they walked inside the house. Kira's parents were already sleeping so they just walked towards Ian's room both looked in awe at the little sleeping angel in front of them. They both gave their son a kiss on the forehead before heading to Kira's room or better said   their room. Cause really Scott slept there every night not wanting to leave Ian and Kira alone and mostly because he like staying there with them. As soon as they change into the pajamas and got on the bed Kira fell sleep in Scott's arms.

It was about 4:30 in the morning when Ian woke up and started crying. Kira got up from the bed and went to the kitchen to make him a bottle. When she went into Ian's room she saw her little angel with his eyes wide open. She picked him up and sat on a chair before she placed the bottle Ian's eyes glowed a bright red which left her with mouth open. She was to talk to Scott about this tomorrow. Once she finished feeding Ian and change his diaper she put him to sleep then going back to her room. Laying next to Scott, she closed her eyes and the next time she opened them Scott wasn't there.

She picked up Ian from his room after brushing her teeth taking him to the kitchen where her parents were alredy making breakfast. "Good morning" She greeted the both of them making her way to make a bottle for Ian. "Good morning sweetheart how was dinner last..." Noshiko almost spitted out her coffee when she saw Kira's hand. "Is that an engagement ring??" She asked with wide eyes. Kira's face got soo red. "Yeah Scott proposed and I said yes." Kira answered like it was no big deal and before she knew it she was getting congratulations hugs from her parents. Soon the entire neighborhood knew about the engagement thanks to her parents. Kira was even received text messages from the pack congratulating as well.

After she had given Ian a shower and fed him she put him to sleep. Kira couldn't help but question herself. Is this what I really want be an 18th year old mom who is also marry? What happened to everything that I once wanted, to travel for a while then settle down, or me having the best college experience?. Kira looked at the ring that occupies her finger. Was this what she really wanted for herself??

Sorry guys this took me so long but I was having a bit of writer's block but your comments give me hope. If you guys have any idea that you would want for this story just comment or message me. Thankss for reading, let me know what you guys think and vote if you like.

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