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The light that came through the window lit the room up which woke Kira up. She open her eyes and smile when she felt arms around her and knew it was Scott. She turned around to face him but only to find him still sleep. In an attempt to eke him up she kissed every part of his face but he was still sleep until she kisses his lips. She tried to pulled away but he already had his hand on her back keeping her close. After finally getting free from his grip she greeted him."Good morning" "Good morning" he replied with a smile on his face.

The smile dissappear of her face as she remember the events of last night. "What happened last night?" She asked Scott freaking out a little. "Hey, everything is okay. You just fainted, I guess you were really tired but don't worry my mom made sure you were okay, that you're both okay." Scott didn't want to lie to Kira but he didn't want her to worry either, therefore he had to lie. "What your mom mom said you know about the baby?" She was a little nervous now. "She and your dad were really shocked at first but i think they came around to it." Kira's eyes got wide. "OMG my dad knows too." Scott smile and pecked her lips. "Yeah. I have to go home my mom wants to talk, so how about you go take a shower, I'll go home then be back later to pick you up?" Scott asked but sounded more like a statement. Before Kira could answer Scott stood up taking Kira with him. "Okay, but don't take too long." Kira answered kissing him before walking towards the bathroom.

Scott waited until she got in the shower to walk downstairs. He met with her parents in the livingroom, they were surprise to see him but understood that he wouldn't want to leave her sight. "I don't want her to know about anything that happened last night." Scott order as he made he's way to Kira's parents. "You know she hated lies and secrets." Noshiko warned. "I'll deal with that when the time comes but now what's important is her safety plus I don't want her to have to worry about anything. I'm on my way to speak to the pack about this but under any circumstances is she to leave this house alone."

Noshiko could finally see the leader, the true alpha that hid inside the man to be. "Scott we're her parents we know how to take care of her." Noshiko shoot him a firm look. "Good. By the way you better pray that you brother doesn't try to hurt her again" Scott was interrupted by Noshiko. "You where listening?" "Yes I was. But let me tell you this he hurts either of them and I'll kill him myself, without a care of who he is." With that Scott walked out the door leaving a very stunned Noshiko and Ken.

Scott drove to his house as fast as he could anger still on his veins. When he gets there the whole pack is there just as he had told them the night before. After he had told them everything that had happened they where all scare to lose one of their own again. "So what's the plan?" Lydia asked. "Well with an exception of Liam, we all got classes with her so I'll be easy to keep and eye on her at school. Remember i don't want her to know, knowing her she'll do the unthinkable." Scott explained. Everyone nodded yes at the plan, giving him a pad on the back of his shoulder before leaving but Stiles stayed behind.

"You know you can lie to them but you can't lie to me. What's really going on in your head?" Stiles questioned the brother he knew better than anyone else. "I'm scare, I can't lose her, I can't lose them." Stiles gave Scott a sympathy look. "We'll get out of this one, we always do." "I hope you're right." Stiles embrace Scott into a hug. "Hey man I forgot to congratulate you, you're going to be a father." Scott laughs and says "Thanks man." It felt good to know that someone else has hope in you. "Well buddy I have to go or Malia is going to kill me."Scott laugh at his best friend heading out the door.


After Kira got out of the shower she went down stairs to get something to eat cause seriously the girl was hungry. When she got to the livingroom she saw her parents immediately putting her head down as she sees her father. "Hey dad" She says not able to look him in the eyes. Ken grab his daughter and pulled her into a hug. "Good morning sweetheart i made you breakfast your favorite." Ken moved her to the table showing her a massive amount of food. "Who's eating with us the entire town." Kira joked at her father. "Well you have to eat right and since now you're eating by two and I didn't know what you were in the mood for so..." Kira interrupted him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you dad. And I'm sorry for disappointing you."

"Baby girl you didn't disappointed me, you still my princess and you'll always will be no matter what happens always remember that." Ken kisses his daughter's head. They both sit at the table to enjoy breakfast and are later joined by Noshiko. This is the types of moments that she loves the ones where she gets to be normal but every now and then she has the feeling that they where hiding something from her but was now she was to let it go.

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