Marry Me

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Is been to weeks since the birth of Ian, Scott and Kira had already taken him to be recorded at the hospital. Kira spend most of her time taking care of Ian and the spear time she has during the day she spend them doing her online classes. The pack come to visit whenever they can and her mom tries to help but Kira doesn't want to interrupt their lives. Scott is usually in college then at work so he tends to come late.

It was Friday so Kira decided to leave her class work and do them over the weekend and go for a walk with Ian. It wasn't that cold outside but she still wanted to be precautions and make sure Ian didn't get cold. She put Ian on his stroller before heading out. It felt good to get out of the house and breath in fresh air, it was something she desperately needed. She walked over to the kids park that was around her house bug when it started getting windy she decided to leave. She walked to the donut shop suddenly wanting some. When she walked into the shop she saw the last person she imagine she would ever see there 'Derek'.

"Hey" Kira greeted Derek walking over to him. "Hi" He greeted back standing up to help her sit. "What are you doing out of the house, I though you would still be in bed rest." He took Ian out of the stroller and put him in his arms. Kira smile at the view of Derek caring Ian. "Well Ian and I needed some fresh air. But what are you doing here, I didn't exactly picture you as a donut person." She teased laughing. "Well everyone needs a sweet treat from time to time. You know being a mother fits you." He responded smiling down at Ian.

Kira smile at Derek's comment. They talked and enjoyed each other's company until it started getting dark. Derek refused to let Kira walk with the baby back to house so he drove them there. When they got there they said their goodbyes before Kira made her way over to the door, unlocking it and getting inside.

When she got to her room, she sees Scott who had been waiting for her and Ian to get home. Scott quickly went to kiss Kira and taking Ian in his arms. "Hey honey where you been, I've been calling you but your phone is off." Scott asked."Where you with Derek?" "My phone die and yeah we found him in the donut shop." Kira went to make Ian a bottle leaving Scott and the baby in the room. When she came back to the room Ian was already sleeping in Scott's arms. She couldn't help but smile at the picture. After changing and feeding Ian, Kira put him on his nursery letting him sleep.

"I think we should go out to dinner" Scott stated but sounded more like a question. "We should?" Kira was taken by surprise. "Yeah you deserve a night off and plus your mom offer to babysit for the night." He said hugging Kira from the back kissing her neck softly. "Well sounds like you have everything planned so I'm just going to take a shower and change." Kira move towards the bathroom before taking her clothes off and getting in the shower.

Scott waited in the living room for Kira to get ready, but when he saw her come down the stairs the wait was worth it. Kira looked beautiful in a red dress that complemented her curbs perfectly. Her hair was curl to the side and accessories that just made the outfit perfect but to Scott nothing looked more beautiful than her eyes. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world" He took her hand kissing her temple softly. "And why is that?" Kira teased. "Because I'm with the most beautiful woman." He answered walking toward the door and get into the car.

When they got to the very fancy restaurant, Scott made sure to help Kira out of the car and open the door for her. As the waiter show them to their table Scott rested his hand around Kira's waist. Everyone stared at the beautiful young couple. They made good conversation all night, laughing and giggling pressing a kiss to the other's lips once in a while, legs playing under the table.

When dessert finally arrived Kira was still laughing at something that Scott said and didn't noticed the little red box that was next to her chocolate molten lava cake. When she finally noticed the box her eyes when wide, looking up at Scott but only to see him bending down on one knee. Taking the box in his hands. " You are my mate, my best friend, my lover, the mother of my child and the person that I love more than anything. So Kira Yukimura will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, the person that I'll spend the rest of my life with?" Kira's smile went from ear to ear then her mouth opened to answer Scott. "Ahh" Was the only thing that escape her mouth.

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