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It has been a few weeks since Scott proposed and everything felt right with the world. The girls; Lydia and Malia are staying over at Kira's for the night knowing that Ian actually slept through the night now, while the guys went out to do whatever they felt like. The guys didn't actually want to tell the girls where they were going, so they just told them that they were going to the loft when in reality they were going to figure out a way to stop the new supernatural thread.

Scott, Stiles, Liam and Derek all met at Deaton's .With all of them surrounding the table with Scott at the head. "So what are we up against?" Scott asks the males from his pack.

"I'm not entirely sure." Deaton responded, a far look in his eyes. Silence filled the room as for a moment as the boys looked at each other.

"Better question is why aren't the girls here." Stiles asked sarcastically. "You do know that if you make them mad enough, together they can cut all of us into little pieces. Right!??" Stiles continued, receiving angry looks from everyone else in the room.

Scott took a deep breath. "We thought we could give them tonight off, they deserve it." Scott knew that they all knew that he just wanted the girls to keep Kira occupied, therefore keeping her and Ian out of trouble.

"Back to supernatural problem, I did some research on who our new enemy is and it just means trouble." Derek started but stopped seeing the questioning looks from everyone else. "A couple weeks ago a pack of she-wolves was attack by hunters and they lost a few members and now the alpha is on the hunt for new ones." He continued.

"What does that have to do we us?" Asked Liam, basically saying the question that everyone else was thinking.

"Well unless you haven't noticed, we have three power women who like Stiles said can kick anyone's butt if they wanted to, in our pack. That makes them perfect candidates for a she-wolves pack don't you think." Derek explained looking at the guys like it was obvious, but he is surprise when he sees a small smile on Deaton's face. "why are you smiling?" Derek asks Deaton.

"I just remembered when they tried to make Talia join that pack but she made sure to put them in their place." Deaton responded proudly. A smile came to Derek's lips.

"So how do we get them to leave out women alone?" Scott finally asked.

"That will be something we have to figure out because they have a new alpha, one whom I haven't met." Deaton continued.

"We have to figure out how to stop them before one of our own gets hurt." Scott spoke, voice steady not a drop of fear or insecurity on it. After that everyone went their own way. Scott and Stiles walking towards their rides in the parking lot.

"You alright bro?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Yeah I'm fine" Scott responded.

"You do know that you're a terrible liar and is me you're talking to remember the guy that knows you better than anyone. You're scare of losing them and that okay cause I'm terrified."Stiles joked lamely.

"I'm the alpha, I'm suppose to protect my pack but I also have to put my family first." Scott sighted. "I let her down once and she almost die I can't let her down again, I can't do that to Ian." Scott got on his bike put his helmet on before driving off not giving Stiles a change to answer.

Back at the Yukimura household...

The girls had been watching movies played a couple of games and now were about to go to bed. "God why did you too let me eat so much junk food?" Malia asked as she rubbed her stomach.

"Well I did tried to stop you but you never listen." Argued Lydia as she change into her pajamas. Lydia looked out the door to make sure that Kira was still checking on Ian. "So what do you think the guys are actually doing?" She asked Malia quietly.

"I don't know, but whatever it is they don't want us to know atleast not yet." Malia answered. Kira walked back into the room. Lydia could only look at the girl and ask herself what happened to the bright smile that used to light up the room the smile that gave everyone hope when they needed it.

"Kira are you okay?" Lydia asked looking at the kitsune.

Kira looked up at Lydia faking a smile. "Yeah of curse, why wouldn't I be?" She looked down at the ring on her finger.

"No you're not, you're not okay with the engagement or the fact that now you have to take online classes and miss out on the college experience that you always wanted. You're not okay with having to give up on everything you wanted and is starting to show." Lydia walked over to Kira who now had tears in her eyes.

"Is it really that obvious?" Kira asked sitting down on the bed.

"I couldn't tell." Said Malia walking over to the girls.

"No is not obvious at all, but if anyone knows about hiding emotions and faking being happy that would be me." Now tears were rolling down Lydia's face. Kira only took Lydia's hands in hers knowing how much it hurt Lydia to lose Allison. "If your not happy then do something about it now because believe me, if you don't that sinking feeling in you stomach is not going to go away." Kira knew Lydia's words also explain the feelings she has for Stiles but never admitted. Kira never let Lydia know that she knew because she can imagine how painful it must be to watch someone that you care for be happy with someone else.

    Kira looked down at the ring in her hands again this time feeling lucky that she has a man that she loves and that loves her and together have a beautiful baby boy. Yeah this might now hace been the life that she wanted for herself but is the one she has and she loves it. Having a group of people that are not only your friends but their family, that care for one another.


Outside of the Yukimura household, three lady's were listening and spying on the girl. "Teresa you really think that those girls are even worth the try?"

"There's a reason I'm the alpha and you're a beta Cathalina." Teresa snapped at Cathalina making Hillary smirk. Cathalina and Hillary were Teresa's only betas after the hunters attacked.

"I don't get why you want them they're full of weakness and fear." Hillary commented.

"Don't worry I'll get them in shape." Teresa responded. Earning  questioning looks from both betas. "We break their hope and every single good bone in their bodies and for that we are going to get rid of a couple of their loved ones, lets hope that baby is not too much work." Teresa smirk.

"You would kill a baby?" Asked Hillary.

"I will kill anyone I have to, to get what I want." Teresa started walking towards the woods both her betas following close behind.

I'm so sorry for the delay, but I'm back now. My second OTP is Stydia so I decided to put a little of it here which if you guys want I can continue. Thanks for reading and let me know what you guys think.

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