Our family

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It was about 8 in the morning and Melissa was just getting home from the hospital. Like every morning she went to check up on Scott but found the his door locked. She knew his door was only locked when Kira spend the night which to her seem often. She decided to just leave it alone since it was saturday after all and go to bed herself.

Scott woked to the noise but knowing that it was just his mom he focused on the sleeping form next to him. He liked the way Kira looked sleeping on his bed like he's ment to be there. He move over so that his head rested on her stomach. "Hey little boy or girl, this voice you hear this is the voice of your father, the voice that you will hear everyday. You know I can't wait for the day when you come into this world and have you in my arms. I'll show you how to ride a bicycle or play lacrosse or anything you want as long as your happy. You'll probably be like your mom strong and fearless but with a good heart. You'll be kicking bad guy's butt with your eyes close. I promise that you will always be surrounded by the people that love you. Just wait untill your here and everyone wants to take you home." Scott stopped as Kira woke up.

" Where you talking to my belly?" she asked sitting up.

"Yeah just having a father to son or daughter conversation" He smile as he kissed her.

"No, promise me that you won't talk to my belly anymore he or she will end up loving you more, that's not fair" Kira complained.

"Now you know that's not true, you get to carry him or her for nine months all to yourself and he will never love anyone as much as you. Plus I was only introducing myself letting her or him know who their father is." Scott defended himself. She only gave him a passionate kiss before saying

"You still not allowed to talked to my belly while I'm asleep"

"Don't worry little baby will finished our conversation tonight she wont know" Scott tease before pinning her back to the bed getting on top of her and kissing her with passion.

"As much as I would love to I have to go my parents don't know that I left and I don't want them to worry" Kira said as she rolled them and got off him heading towards the door.

"You know we going to have to tell them and my mom" Scott pulled her back to him not wanting her to go.

"I know but it doesn't make it easier" She responses.

"Baby I'll be by your side always, your not in this alone. I love you always remember that. We can tell the pack first if you want." Scott suggested.

"Well Lydia and Malia already know so in about less than half an hour Stiles should be calling you." Kira joked.

"And Derek figure it out yesterday, don't ask how because I don't know. So aside from that is only our parents and Liam." Scott finished.

"So I'll leave Liam to you and I'll invite your mom to dinner tonight in my house." Kira stated but sounded more like a question.

"Sounds like a plan" Scott joked.

"Is a terrible plan my mom could end up cutting your head off " Kira turned so that she was facing him.

"I'll take my chances" Scott responded before meeting her lips with his moving towards the bed. This was nothing new to them, they already new each other's bodies like it was their own. Knowing each others weak and strong spots. But this time there was a difference when they touch the other, it was more caring, sweet but passionate at the same time. Like it was their first time but better the way every kiss and every touch ment something different, it wasn't just sex it was love.

It was a mess of tangle legs, Kira laying on top of Scott both of them wrapped in a blanket, Scott's arm around Kira as she draw circles on his chest with her fingers. They're happy and nothing else matters in the world to the two of them, and they want to keep it like that for as long as they can. It took Scott a few minutes to fall sleep. He wakes ups couple of hours later but Kira wasn't there her clothes were gone and the only evidence that she was there was her scent. He got the feeling that someone was staving his heart over and over again, he wants her back here in his arms but once he sees the "I love you" note that she left he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face.

Kira's Pov:

I didn't feel right leaving Scott is like this hole inside but I had too. Now I'm on my way back home hopefully my parents don't make too big of a deal about coming home at this time. I park the car on my drive away and head to the door. As I go in and lock the door I can feel my parents glare on my back. "Hey" I greeted kissing each of them on the cheek. "Girls night at Lydia's remember" I told them hoping they believe it. They gave me weir looks for a few minutes untill my mom interrupted the silent.

"Well go take a shower and change we're going groceries shopping for dinner tonight" my mom said pointing towards my room. Before I headed to my room I asked dad

"Hey dad can you invited Ms.McCall over for dinner?"

"Yeah sure any special occasion?" he asked looking at me like at had grown a second head.

"No" I lie badly. "Scott and I think is time that you guys get to know each other better" God i hope they buy that.

"Umm.. Okay I'll called her and let her know, now go because we have to go" Answered my mom. I was half way to my room when "Oh and dad no sushi" I told him heading to my room not giving him change to answer.

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