I'm Pregnant

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Scott's Pov:

I step aside to let Kira in taking her hand in mine immediately. The walk to my room is quiet and I don't like it. This is not how we are together and it worries me. As we enter my room I made sure to lock the door. Even tho mom is not here I still don't want interruptions. I sat next to Kira on my bed waiting for her to talk.

"Look I'm sorry I've been acting so weir today and pushing you away. That was not fair to you". Kira started.

"Is okay I get it you wanted to be alone." I responded.

"No Scott you don't get it, today I found out that.." She pause. "Scott I'm pregnant" she took her gaze away from mine and looked to the floor her heartbeat as fast as a horse. I took her hand again and intertwined our fingers, not being able to stop the smile that was spreading on my face.

"I know" I whisper softly to her.

"What!! how?" She looked back at me her eyes wide.

To her surprise I pick her up and lay her on my pillows and lay besides her myself. "Remember the other night you were here in my arms and you fell asleep." She nodded yes. "Well before I fall asleep I always like listtening to your heartbeat but that night I didn't hear just yours I also hear the baby's." I continued looking her straight in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked a tear getting lost in her hair.

"I wanted you to find out by yourself. But you know that I love you and this baby is prove of that and I had already imagine you as the mother of my children is just happening a bit early. I will respect the you decide make to if you want to have it or not." I put my head on her stomach because I want this baby, I want her to keep it but at the end of the day is her choice.

She stared at me for a few minutes then just kissed me with a passion that I hadn't felt before and I love it. She pulled away to which i groaned to and said " I would never even consider abortion I already love this baby to much but I am scare we are about to graduate high school and go to college in different parts of the country so he or she won't have both of us around and.." I kissed her to shut her up.

"We'll figure that out later" I pulled away turning her around and pulled her back against my chest, my hand rubbing her stomach. "I love you more than anything in the world." I whispered in her ear feeling right with the world.

"I love you too" she answer as she took my hand and kissed the back of it. I watched her fall sleep, listening to both their heartbeats its calming knowing that their both save and have peace. I pull Kira closer to me, this way I know that she's safe. I can't seem to stop moving my hand on her stomach it gives me peace and I can finally close my eyes and sleep.

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