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real life

"Tom? Can you please open the door?"

He sighed and turned the handle from his spot on the floor. "Hey, Lana."

Milana, one of Tom's best friends, immediately sat down next to him on the carpeted floor as they waited for Harrison to join them. "So Haz told me what's going on."

"H-He did?"


Tom nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"It's fine. Cause I know why you didn't tell me. You would have had to talk about it. Haz was never gonna make you, it had to be me."

He looked down at his feet and wiggled his toes a little. "I know it's not technically exactly the same thing, but how did you know? You know, like, when did you realise your true identity, your gender?"

"Senior year of high school. It was a pretty crazy time. One day I just realised I wanted long hair and pretty clothes and boobs and curves. And now, here I am. Milana."

"Anybody home?" Harrison asked from outside the room as he knocked. Tom pulled the handle again and Harrison joined them on the floor. "What're we talking about?"

"How Lana found herself," Tom mumbled softly.

Harrison raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"

He nodded.

They sat in silence for a few moments until Tom finally spoke up. "I think I wanna talk about it."

The other two looked at each other and proceeded to ask questions. "So what happened at the party?"

"I wasn't actually that drunk. I think I was just a little tipsy. I met Kellan and we started talking--"

"Wait," Milana interrupted him, "Kellan Mackenzie?"


Her eyes went wide and her fingers twitched. She really really really wanted to grab her phone from her pocket and text someone, but her friend was having a bit of a crisis. "Sorry, I was just wondering. Continue."

"Um, so we had a few drinks together. And then we kissed."

When he stopped talking, Milana wrapped an arm around him.

"Then I invited him back to my apartment here. This apartment."

"So what exactly did you guys do?"

"We made out for a while, even on the Uber ride here," he cringed at that memory. The driver must have been so annoyed. "And then we had sex."

"Did you--"

Tom cut Harrison off. "No, it wasn't that. It was just..." he trailed off and then blurted, "I don't know, no one stuck it in anyone. It wasn't that kind of sex."

Milana held back a small chuckle.

"Did you like it?"

"You've already asked me that question, Haz."

"I know. But I'm asking it again."

It took him a minute to respond. "Yeah. Yeah, I liked it. A lot."

"What happened with the girl?"

"I don't know. It was a blur. It just kind of happened."

Milana and Harrison shared a knowing look. "Did you like it?"

He roughly shook his head. "No. Not at all."

"So why did you do it?" Milana asked as she leaned her head on her friend's shoulder. She was exhausted. It was about four in the morning after all.

He sighed and placed his head on top of hers. "This is going to sound horrible, but I didn't want to be gay. And that's so weird. Cause I'd like to think of myself as a really accepting person. I am a really accepting person. It was just...I don't know. In the moment it was like everything I thought I knew about myself was just wrong."

"What do you think now?"

"I don't know yet."

"That's okay. You don't have to know."

Harrison joined their makeshift sitting hug. "Thank you for talking to us, man."


zendaya ~ queen z 👑
renee ~ penne 🍝
milana ~ milan 😄

milan 😄
we need to talk

penne 🍝
are you breaking up with
us? lmao

queen z 👑
next she'll say "it's not
you it's me" 😂😂

milan 😄
very funny
idek how a friend
breakup would work
we need to get two
people together

penne 🍝

milan 😄
renee you know
kellan mackenzie

penne 🍝
we're not extremely
close but yeah

milan 😄
z i need your help
with the second

queen z 👑
you gonna tell us who
it is?

milan 😄
we have to get tom
and kellan together

easier - tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now