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hey kelly wassup? you
comin' home soon?

yeah i'm on the plane
right now about to take

that's awesome cause the
guys and i were thinking
about going to vegas for
the next vlog. tomorrow
night sound good?

sounds great! we
haven't been to vegas in a
few months.

yeah. so why'd you call?

uh, i kinda need some

alright, shoot. what's going
on in that brain of yours?

okay so since paris, i've
still been sleeping with
tom holland. i know i said
it was just a two time thing,
but we decided that night
to become friends with
benefits cause we were
having fun, you know?


it was really fun, and i like
spending time with him.
we even spent three days
together in new york, and
we almost never left the
hotel room.

okay, so you slept with him
a lot, and it was fun. and you
were happy. right?

yeah, but then yesterday,
tom had to leave to go back
to london, i'm assuming. i
didn't ask. and i didn't take
him to the airport or anything,
which i now feel bad about
because he probably had to
share a cab with someone
disgusting. and it probably
would have been the nice
thing to do, if i were to have
driven him.


and then after he left, keiynan
texted me and asked me out.
on a date. not a friend date. a



huh. okay, go on.

so i texted renee and asked
her what i should do cause
i've always thought of her
as like my moral compass.
and she said i should say yes
and go out with keiy.


so i told keiy that i'd go on
a date with him, but now i'm
feeling weird about it.

so, kelly, how do you feel
about keiynan? complete

i like him. he and i have been
friends for a while now, and
i've always thought he was
cute. but it's kinda been like
he and ren have their thing,
cause they're best friends, and
me and ash and eve have our
thing whenever we all hang
out together.

and how do you feel about

uh, um, i don't know, it's—

kell. honesty. let it all out.

i really like him. he's sweet and
cute and absolutely adorable.
and he's so awkward in the best
way. like he doesn't know what
to do when we're together, and
i know part of that is because i'm
the first guy he's ever been with,
and i've been that for a lot of guys
before, but i don't know. this time
it's different. it's endearing that
he isn't super sure of himself.

i understand that.

so why do i feel so weird
about going on a date
with keiy? help me out
here, man.

kelly, in all the time i've known
you, you've never been this
much of an idiot.

what? what did i do?

you should be with tom, not


yeah. did you not hear yourself?
the feelings you have for tom
are ten times stronger than
your feelings for keiynan. you
need to cancel your date with
him and ask out tom. for real,
not just for sex.

yeah. yeah, you're right.
thanks, man.

anytime, kell. call me when
you land


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