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real life

In the car, Tom was hyperventilating and Kellan was trying to calm him down.

"Babe, you're okay. It's okay. I'm gonna be right there with you. The only time I won't be is when you're talking to those two interviewers at the front and when you're signing autographs. Okay?"

Tom nodded reluctantly. "How much am I sweating?"

"Not much at all," Kellan lied. "Besides, no one's going to notice. We're in LA in the middle of summer. Everyone's sweating."

"Right. Yeah, that's a good point." When the driver stopped at the venue, Tom started freaking out again. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Fuck, why am I so nervous? I don't even have to say anything."

"Okay, so just keep thinking about that. You don't have to say anything. We're just going to walk together. If anyone asks, you can just joke about you and Jake dating or something." That earned him a laugh. "Half your fans already ship it as a bromance anyway. And if you decide you do want to say something, it doesn't have to be a big deal. You could just say you're in a relationship. It's completely up to you."

Tom nodded again. "Thank you for being here." I love you.

Kellan smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Now go knock 'em dead, Spider-Man."

The car door opened, and their ears were flooded with screams. Tom stepped out first, fixing his suit immediately, while Kellan stepped out on the other side. Now he was the one who was nervous. He walked over to the side of the road, away from the screaming fans, and waited as Tom signed autographs and took pictures.

Hundreds of people were yelling and asking Tom why he was with Kellan, and he didn't say anything. Partly because he wasn't quite sure what to say, but he also didn't want to say anything yet. He wanted to wait as long as possible.

After what felt like an eternity, he left the crowd and walked back over to Kellan, who was grinning as usual. God, I love him. That was a thought Tom had been having a lot recently. He knew it was too early, but technically he'd had feelings for Kellan for a month before they started dating, so maybe it wasn't that bad. As they strolled through to the red carpet together, Tom took a deep breath and slipped his hand down between the two of them. I'm ready. He grasped his boyfriend's hand as tight as he could, and he immediately felt better. He heard the screams get louder, but he didn't pay attention to them. He was focused on Kellan.

Kellan looked down at him, his eyes saying, Are you sure?

Tom nodded in response and felt Kellan squeeze his hand once to reassure him.

If signing autographs took what felt like an eternity, then walking down the carpet felt like it took thirty seconds. Before they knew it, they were near the two interviewers Tom had to talk to. He spun around to face Kellan seconds before he reached the stage and looked up at him with frightened eyes.

"Everything's gonna be fine," Kellan whispered. He gave Tom's hand another squeeze and then let go. He watched from a few feet away as Tom stepped up onto the stage and immediately started smiling again. Kellan could tell that it was for the camera, but he knew that Tom truly was happy. He was just really nervous.

Tom answered a few basic questions and joked around with the interviewers for a few minutes as he slowly became more comfortable and less nervous. And then they asked the question.

"Yeah, I can't wait for everyone to see it, especially my family."

"We can't wait to see it either! So, I'm sorry but, we have to ask. We've both been wondering who you've been walking down the carpet with tonight!"

Tom sighed softly and said, "That's, uh, that's actually my boyfriend, Kellan." It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders as he said it. "Yeah, he's my date tonight."

The rest of the night went so smooth after that. He wasn't nervous anymore, and he could enjoy the premiere with his now-public boyfriend. They had seats in the middle of the theatre, so they had the absolute perfect spot to watch the movie, but again, Tom wasn't paying attention. He kept glancing over to see Kellan's reaction.

Kellan's eyes were glued to the screen. It was such a good movie, and he was so proud of his boyfriend. He had one complaint, and that was the multiple kisses between Peter and MJ. He definitely got a little jealous. Tom noticed that and laughed a little.

When they walked out of the theatre and they were far enough away from other people, Kellan wrapped his arms around Tom and hugged him tight. "Baby, that was so good!"

"You really liked it?"

"I loved it! It was amazing. You're amazing. Tom, you're literally the best Spider-Man. I don't know how you do it, you're just absolutely amazing. It's really no wonder you have so many fans. And, god, each time you cried I wanted to cry too. It's just...okay, this might not be the right time, and it's probably way too soon, but," as Kellan took a deep breath, Tom interrupted him.

"I love you."

Kellan didn't say anything for a minute. Tom was starting to get worried when Kellan finally frowned and said, "Well, I wasn't expecting that."

"I, uh, I'm sorry."

"You should be sorry."

Shit, I've ruined everything. Tom gulped and tried to fight back tears. He really did not want to get dumped by someone he loved so much.

"Because I wanted to say it first."


"I was gonna say it first! I love you so much."

"Y-you do?"

Kellan stepped closer to Tom. "Of course I do! Did you think I didn't?" His face fell.

"I don't know. Kell, we've been dating for a month. Most people don't say 'I love you' for at least two or three months."

"Well, baby, I hate to break it to you, but we're not most people. And if you think about it, we've sort of been together for two months. The first month just included a lot more sex and a lot less feelings. So I think it's perfect timing."

Tom laughed. "You love me."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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