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real life

"You know, in a way I kind of feel blessed to be the first human witnessing you two as an actual couple," Zendaya remarked.

Tom smiled and discreetly reached for Kellan's hand, intertwining their fingers. Kellan had a large sweatshirt on, so he was able to hide their hands inside his sleeve, that way no one else in the airport would notice. "You're welcome?"

As they walked over to the counter to collect their drinks, Tom took out his wallet to pay. He attempted to get his card out with one hand, not wanting to stop holding Kellan's hand, but Kellan wasn't having that. He grabbed his own wallet as he placed Tom's hand in his sweatshirt pocket. He quickly handed his card to the barista, who swiped it in the card reader and handed it back. Zendaya watched with a smirk on her face as Tom stood there, basically frozen, with one hand in Kellan's pocket and the other still holding his wallet.

Once Kellan had put his wallet away, he took Tom's hand in his again, and they grabbed their drinks.

"You didn't have to do that."

Kellan raised his eyebrows. "Babe, it's your birthday."

"Not true, actually. It's about 10:30, which means it is not my birthday." Kellan rolled his eyes. "You can't use that excuse for an hour and a half."

"Party pooper."

"Ah, young love." Zendaya took a sip from her coffee and led them to the gate.

Tom kept glancing around them to make sure nobody saw him and Kellan holding hands. It's not that he was ashamed of Kellan, but he didn't want to be outed at an airport before he'd even told his parents.

"So, Kellan, you're coming to the big dinner with Tom's parents?"

"Yeah, I mean, if Tom still wants me to."

Tom nodded. "I do. I figure it'd be a pretty good time to tell my family, if you're okay with that."

"Of course." Kellan squeezed Tom's hand once as they sat down in a corner at their gate.

For another five minutes, they were able to sit in relaxed silence. Zendaya scrolled through social media while Tom and Kellan leaned on each other with their eyes closed.

Zendaya was the first to notice them. There were two girls standing not to far away from them whispering to each other. It was glaringly obvious that they kept glancing at the three of them. When the two girls noticed Zendaya kind of watching them, she waved. They seemed to freak out at that, so she whispered through her teeth, "Two fans, right in front of us." The boys immediately straightened up and separated, leaving a few inches of space between them.

After taking quick pictures with the girls, it was time to board the plane. Tom and Kellan took each other's hands again, completely unaware of the hell that was about to break loose.

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