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real life

Kellan stormed through the Emergency Room doors and skidded to a stop at the front desk. "I need to see a patient. Tom Holland."

"Relation?" the guy asked, no emotion in his voice.



"Kellan Mackenzie. Can I please just see him?"

The guy, who Kellan decided he really didn't like, moved a few papers around and then said, "I'm sorry, but Mr. Holland's health is still in critical condition. No one is allowed in his room. We'll inform you of updates as soon as possible."

Kellan's heart sank and he slumped back a little, just enough for Evelyn to prepare to catch him if she needed to. His breathing turned shallow and quick as he walked backwards toward the chairs in the waiting room.

Evelyn sat down just before Kellan and winced as he landed hard on the cushion of the seat. "Kell?"

"I can't..." he trailed off, not completing the sentence.

"It's gonna be okay."

"Wh-what if it isn't?" Kellan whispered. The words were almost silent as they exited his mouth, but the room was quiet enough that Evelyn heard him.

"It will be."

They waited there for what seemed like hours. Kellan was too nervous to do anything but stare at the floor and pop his fingers an unnecessary amount of times. He really wasn't sure, and neither was Evelyn, how long they'd been sitting in the creaky old chairs when a nurse finally walked over to them.

Kellan immediately stood up and Evelyn followed. "Is Tom okay? What's going on? What happened?"

She sighed. "Your boyfriend is out of critical condition, and unless there are more complications, which is highly unlikely, he should be okay."

Kellan let out a huge breath and closed his eyes for a second in relief.

"He was in a collision on the road, caused by a drunk driver slamming into the right side of his car. He sustained a broken arm, both bones fractured in the forearm, a broken hip, and some head trauma. His hip is what caused the first complications. He has what's called a femoral neck fracture, which basically can cut off circulation to part of his hip, and that's exactly what it did. Fortunately, we were able to perform surgery on both his arm and hip in time that he didn't lose enough blood to be in any serious danger, but he's severely injured."

"So, um," Kellan felt a couple tears run down his cheeks, "what does all that mean?"

"He won't be able to use his hip for six months, and even then, it takes a while to gain full mobility back. He isn't permanently injured or paralyzed, so eventually, with time, he'll be back to normal. Because one of the bones, the ulna, in his arm penetrated the skin, it will take about five months for that to fully heal as well. We had to put a few stitches in the top of his head, twelve to be exact, but that injury should heal a lot quicker than the rest."

He nodded. "Can I see him?"

"He's asleep right now and on pain medication, but yes. Visiting hours are over in about two hours, but until then you can stay in his room if you'd like."

"Thank you so much."

They got Tom's room number and Kellan led Evelyn down the hall to it. As soon as they reached the room, Kellan opened the door and ran in. He involuntarily gasped when he saw the state Tom was in. There was a very obvious gash across his head, and his hip and arm were heavily bandaged and elevated.

"Oh my god," he whispered. He dropped down to his knees at Tom's side and took his right hand immediately. "Thank fucking god you're okay."

Evelyn brought a chair from the other side of the room to Kellan so he could sit down again.

Again, they waited for what felt like hours as Tom slept. Kellan never moved from his spot, not even when Evelyn told him they should probably get some food. Eventually, the nurse came in and told them they had to leave, and Kellan almost broke down right then and there.

He told her to call him as soon as Tom woke up, so he could make sure he was there. She nodded and smiled sweetly at him, knowing what it feels like to be in that position.

The Sun article

BREAKING NEWS! Tom Holland, 23, known for playing Spider-Man in multiple movies by Marvel Studios, was rushed to the hospital tonight after a car wreck he was involved in. He has reportedly been stabilised, but sustains multiple injuries from the collision. A statement has not been released to the public as to what exactly happened or what his injuries are, but I think I speak for all of us when I saw we hope he recovers soon.


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