Chapter 7 (Edited)

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"So, is Brody really my brother?" I asked John, while we walked back towards the house. I was really confused about it, because he was a wolf, and I was human. How was that even possible?

Brody looked at me and frowned. "I am right here, you know," he said, sounding rather offended. "I'm not some sort of thing that you can miss."

John chuckled, shaking his head at us. "Yes, he is your brother, and he is, also, your twin."

I was dumbstruck. How did I not know this? Oh wait, I can answer that question. It was because they didn't tell me this stuff. "I got a twin brother?"

"Is she always like this?"

"You better watch it, Boy. If I am cold, hungry, wet, and tired, then I get grumpy. It's a known fact." I glared at him, feeling my anger about to spike.

Brody looked up at me, rolling his eyes at my behavior. "Well, if you weren't so dumb, then maybe you would've figured everything out."

That did it I was mad. He had no right to talk to me like that. My nostrils flared and I opened my mouth, going to start cussing him out.

"Don't," John said, looking up at me. He frowned, knowing that I was going to cuss very bad. "Close your mouth."

I frowned, closing it. However, I pointed at Brody, annoyed that he wasn't going to get into trouble. "He started it. It's his fault that I'm about to cuss."

"But, your mouth will get you into trouble."

"Ooh, you are gonna get into trouble," Brody said, tauntingly. "I want to see this."

"I'll meet you at home." I glanced at John, letting him see the hurt that Brody had caused me. And with that, I started to run home. I didn't care that I was leaving them behind, I just wanted to get home.


"You're back!" Abigail exclaimed, when I came running in. There was this look of pure shock on her face. "I didn't think that you would be back so quickly."

I didn't answer her, running towards my room, I after slammed the back door shut. Tears pricked my vision, but I wasn't going to let them see. Quickly, I ran up to my room, and closed the door shut before busting into tears. Sobbing, I walked to the adjoined bathroom and got out of my clothes, before going into the shower. I cried, feeling so hurt. Everything was just so new to me, and I didn't know if I could handle this.

I don't know how long I stayed in the shower, but the water had started to turn cold when I finally stepped out. Feeling numb, I got dressed into my pjs and sat on my bed, holding my pillow to my chest. I stared blankly at the lavender paint, thinking about nothing.

There was a knock on the door, not breaking me from my stare at the wall. "Martha?" Mom asked, opening the door. She came in, bringing in a plate of food, that she placed onto my nightstand. After that, she sat down beside me and pulled me into her arms.

"Mom," I said, throwing my arms around her. I cried onto her shoulder, with her holding me, tightly.

"It's alright, it's alright," she said, soothingly. She stroked my hair, muttering soothing words in my ear.

After a few minutes of crying, I stopped, feeling terrible. "Why?" I asked, hoarsely. There so many questions in my head, but that was the only thing that I had to say.

"Your father wanted to let you have a childhood first," she explained. "He and Faolon knew that if we had told you, sooner, about all all of this, then you would've been killed as soon as you had found out. He thought that it would be best for you to wait until you were older to understand that you were the Almair. I wanted him to tell you at the age of twelve, when everyone else found out about being what we are, but he wouldn't let me."

"So, you knew that I was the Almair, did you know that I was also the True One?"

She looked at me, surprised. "I didn't know that. However, I should've figured it out because even with being the Almair, you would've had the same characteristics as which clan you are from."

"Did you know about my twin brother, who thought I'm dumb for figuring everything out? Hang on, you know that I had a twin, because you had him, but I'm sure that you didn't know about him being a jerk."

"Brody said that you were dumb for not figuring this thing out?"

"Yes, he did say that I was dumb. Ask John about what he had said. He was there, also."

"You were about to cuss, weren't you?"

I nodded. "So, I just ran back home. I didn't know what to do, but I knew that I couldn't stay there."

"Here, eat your dinner, and I'll talk to Brody," she said, standing up. She squeezed my shoulder and left. "Good night," she whispered at the door, before she closed it.

"Night, Mom," I mumbled. I looked at the food and ate what I could handle, before I threw it away. I felt numb from anything. I knew that I was going to have to do something about everything, but I didn't know what I had to do. I shook my head and laid down on my bed, falling fast asleep.

The Year of the Wolf (Completed) (Book One of The Almair Series)Where stories live. Discover now