Extra #2- I Will Beat You- Martha's POV

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(A week back in the backyard and first fight with John)

I stood in front of my brother in human form. A teasing glare was in my eyes because both he and Faolon had just said that I was to fight in human form against John, who was a wolf. "Why should I fight in human form?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean John is in Wolf Form, and that would give him a slight advantage over me."

"Because," Faolon replied, snorting over the fact that I said him being in wolf form would give him an advantage. "If you are attacked out of the house and in public, you need to know how to defend yourself in human form."

"And this will give me a better chance of winning," John added, earning a glare worse than the one I had given him beforehand. He gave a wolfish grin, causing me to snort and roll my eyes at my idiot brother.

"I think you should do fine, Martha," Faolon said, causing me to look at the older wolf. His eyes sparkled with humor, causing me to huff and nod my head, agreeing to this training. He was laying down in the shade of an old maple tree.

I turned to look at my brother and smirked. "I'm gonna beat you," I teased, bouncing on the balls of my feet. My whole body was filled with excitement and anticipation filled my body as I watched my brother.

John chuckled and started to circle me, watching me from his eyes. "With that bouncing, I don't think you will be able to," he teased, causing me to scoff and roll my eyes. "But, if it makes you feel any better... I will let you attack first." With that, he lunged for me, causing me to duck and roll away from him.

I narrowed my eyes at him, leaning on one knee and hand. I wasn't pissed that he would attack me first, even though I made him think that I was. "What was this about letting me attack first?" I asked with a scoff.

John gave me a wolfish smirk and started to stalk towards me. His ears were pointed towards me while he watched me. "I lied," he replied.

I shrugged and turned away from him, keeping my body and senses focused on his motions. My hands were in the hoodie that I wore because it was a bit chilly out even with my higher body temperature. "Then I guess I won't fight you," I stated. I started to walk towards the house, flashing Faolon a small smirk and a wink, causing him to chuckle.

"Good, an easy victory for me," John said, teasingly. He lunged for me and ended up hitting a tree because I had moved out of his way. He growled and shook his head before turning his gaze to me. Amusement filled his eyes, and I could that there was a smirk on his face "What was this about not fighting?" he asked with mock anger.

I shrugged and smirked. "I lied." And with power and grace, I attacked my older brother in order to beat him like I had promised a long time ago.

And, I did not know if he let me win or if I was that good, but I did defeat him.

"Get off," John grunted from where I was sitting in his head. "Your butt stinks."

"No, because I want you to know how defeat smells like," I replied, smartly causing him to growl teasingly.

"I hate you," he said with a huff.

"I love you too."  

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