Chapter 25 (Edited)

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"Guess who has to wear a dress tomorrow?" I asked John, doing some pull ups. I grunted, pulling my chin over the tree branch that I had been using to do the pull ups, again. I didn't look at my brother, knowing that I was going to have to finish these up.

It was probably around 6pm, and I had been training for almost over two hours, doing the stuff that John had taught me to do. I had noticed that my stamina was getting better and I wasn't tiring that easily, because I had been doing a lot of training. Another thing that I had noticed was that I had no fat on me anymore. I was all pure muscle, even though I still ate like one of my brothers.

"You," he replied, opening his eyes. He cocked his head, watching me lift myself up and down on the branch, grunting every so often.

"Nope. I do not have to wear a dress tomorrow. However, Mal does have to wear a dress," I replied, pulling myself up another time. I had been doing this for about 30 minutes, and I lost count on how many I had done.

  "And... why is that?" He raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to tell my tale.

"Well, Mal and I had a little friendly bet on who was the better player for basketball. I won the bet and now he was to wear a dress tomorrow," I replied, pulling myself up again. My arms were starting to hurt, and I didn't know how many more I could do this.

"You may take a break and tell me the whole bet. Also, tell me how you won it." He looked at me with knowing eyes, knowing that I was getting tired. "You have been practicing for two hours with basketball and then two hours with this, with no break in between. Even though, Tupac did drive you home."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, he didn't have to do a meeting, so that was why he took me home." I did one more pull up, before I dropped to the ground, landing on my feet. I shook my arms out while I walked over to where he was sitting and sat down. I told him the tale, making gestures on what type of throws I had done. I had beaten him 31-28, so it was a close game. I just had scored a three pointer before the game had ended.

  John chuckled and shook his head, after I had finished my tale and how close I was to losing. He looked up at me and smiled. "Well, that was one way of showing him that you could defeat him," he said. He cocked his head and frowned, thinking of something. "However, will he get in trouble for wearing a dress. He is a guy."

I shook my head no. "Tupac talked with Principal Williams and Principal Williams was fine with it. The only thing that Principal Williams told Mal was that the dress had to cover his shoulders, and it should not be a distraction to everyone. He also wanted it to follow dress code." I smirked. "He told Mal that he had to wear a pair of flats, so that is what Mal is going to do."

"And you're going to be taking a picture of him in a dress, aren't you?" He smirked, knowing me too well. "Will you be posting it onto Facebook or anything?"

"Well, I'm going to be taking a picture of him in it and make it into a picture that I'll hang on my wall. However, I'm going to let the Facebookers post it all around Facebook." I shrugged my shoulder. I wasn't into Facebook, even though I had one.

"However, you are going to bug him every chance you get. Correct?" He raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged my shoulder and grimaced a little, hating the fact that he knew me a little too well. "Well, of course I'm going to bug him about it. I was going to teach him in a dress that I was wearing around for the whole entire day. I'm sure that I can actually place basketball in a dress, but I'll try that later."

"Of course, you were going to teach him a dress. You would've probably worn those short dresses and do it that way." He smirked. "You would probably be wearing shorts underneath the dress."

I narrowed my eyes at him. Yes, I was going to teach Mal in a dress. However, it wasn't going to be one of those short dress. But, I probably would've worn shorts underneath it. "Now, when am I going to fight you, again?"

"Soon," he said, smiling. "And then you be able to become a wolf."

I smiled, ready to be like my siblings. I was ready to take the part of my training as being the Almair. Too many people had died all ready. So, I knew that I had to get started with my training and actually finish everything. It was my duty and prophecy. "Good."

The Year of the Wolf (Completed) (Book One of The Almair Series)Where stories live. Discover now