Chapter 28 (Edited)

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"Martha," a voice said, calling to me through a hazy fog that had taken control over my brain. "Martha," it said again. "Come on, please wake up. It is time to wake up." The voice was soft and there was a bit of heartache in it, making me wonder how many times the person had been sitting there and calling out my name.

I groaned, not wanting to listen to the voice and stay in the darkness of my mind. Someone placed a cool towel on my burning head, and that made me stir a bit. I couldn't help but opened my eyes, to see a fuzzy shape of my mother, staring down at me with sad eyes. I blinked a couple of times trying to clear my vision.

There was a smile on her face, and she sighed with relief, probably glad that I had finally woken up. "How do you feel?" she asked, taking the towel off of my head and rubbed my eyes. She placed her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature before she placed the towel back into a bowl of water on my nightstand table, that was by my bedside.

  "Horrible," I croaked out. I tried to struggle to sit up, however there was a pain in my side that stopped me from sitting up. The pain shot through my side like an arrow, making me remember the fight that had happened.... some time in the past, which I didn't remember.

"You've been out for two weeks," John said, coming into my view. He came over to me with a cup of water and helped me drink some of it. Tears of joy appeared in his eyes, because I think he had thought he had lost me.

I moved my head when I didn't want anymore water. After that, I looked around my room and saw many types of flowers and get well cards from people. I frowned, wondering who all of them were from, and why they were here in my room. I didn't remember anyone telling what had happened to me. But, that might be because I was hurt and was unconscious.

"Jason told people that you had a very bad accident and was unconscious," John said, following my gaze around my room. He shook his head and chuckled, probably amused about Jason's behavior "People that cared about you came by to see you. Some had sent flowers, cards, and other goodies for you, hoping that you would be all right."

I sighed and smiled, glad that some people still cared about me. However, it turned back to a frown, when I thought of the reason on why I was in this position. I looked up at my older brother, my eyes filled with confusion and pain. "Is she..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I didn't know if I wanted to know or not. I had never killed anyone before, and that was a new experience.

"Yes," John said, knowing what I was going to say. John nodded his head and sighed, before he frowned and squeezed my shoulder, reassuringly. "She is dead. She can not hurt you anymore"

I sighed and closed my eyes. I knew that my body was tired, and I did want to sleep. However, I couldn't stop that image of the life draining out of her. I couldn't stop the feeling of power that I had felt over, when I killed her.

"Let her rest," Dad said, coming in the room. "She needs it. She, also, needs time to heal and think about what had happened to her." There was sorrow in his voice, as if he was upset with me or something like that.

"Okay," Mom said, getting up from my bed. She sighed and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. "You were really brave, Martha. Never forget that," she whispered in my ear. "And, I will always love you." She kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

John squeezed my hand, reassuringly. "That took a lot of bravery. She was trying to hurt you, and it wasn't your fault that you killed her. Never forget that." He kissed my forehead, also and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I opened my eyes, tears swelling in them. I have killed someone. Yes, she was trying to kill me but still... I killed someone.

I didn't know what type of person I was becoming. That scared me, because I didn't know who or what I was becoming.

Let's just hope that I wasn't going to turn evil. I didn't know how I would survive if I did turn evil.

I looked at my ceiling and cried for me and cried for her. I also cried for the families that had lost someone, just because I wasn't there to stop them from taking over.

In my heart, I knew that I did the right thing by killing her, but it scared me that I had to choose between who would live or who would die.

That part of my prophecy scared me the most.

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