Chapter 17 (Edited)

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"You need to be careful around them all." I repeated what John had told me on the bus. I didn't know what it meant, but I knew that I had to watch my back. I didn't know why one of my teachers would try to kill. I mean, only Tupac knew that I was the Almair. I all ready knew that he wouldn't try to kill me.

However, was there really another teacher that knew about me? Could they possibly guess that I was some sort of powerful being in a teenage body? That sounded something like it would be out of a fictional movie. But, my life was sounding like one, so I was sure that it was possible that someone else knew.

I looked up from my hands, sensing that someone was staring at me. I turned my head towards the aisle and saw that it was Mia. I smiled at her, saying hello. However, she ignored it and walked away, not giving me a second glance. I sighed and placed my bag beside me on the seat, because I didn't want anyone to sit by me. I rested my head on the cool glass and closed my eyes, still feeling drained from the night before.

"Feeling lonely?" Mr. Wilds asked. He glanced back at me through the mirror, his eyes holding a bit of pity in them. There was a small smile on his face, but it looked pretty fake to me.

I opened my eyes and looked at my bus driver. "Ya," I said, nodding my head. I sighed and shook my head. "I feel lonely." With that, I placed my head back on the window and closed my eyes, not wanting to talk about it.

He chuckled and went on with the bus stops. He stayed silent, not saying anything else to me.

"Excuse me? Is this seat taken?" someone asked me. It sounded very soft for a boy, but I was sure that it was.

I looked up to see a boy that was about my age. I frowned, not knowing what he was wanting to do.

He had short black hair, that stood up in the middle. He stood about 6'3 and was pretty skinny, as if he had not eaten a lot. The boy had brown eyes, but they were covered with thick rimmed glass, which he fiddled with.

The boy cleared his throat, breaking me from my inspection of him. He was pointing to the spot where Mia usually sat, cocking his head while he looked at me "Is it taken?" he asked, again. He sounded rather patient, but that might be because everyone else had placed their stuff in the seat beside them, and there was not a place to sit.

"Oh. No, the seat's not taken," I said, shaking my head. I lifted my head off of the cool glass and looked at my bag, before I took it and placed it in my lap. I had placed another bandage on my arm, because I didn't want people to know about the mark. My shirt had moved, so it revealed the bandage.

He sat down and stared at my arm. There was a frown on his face, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Dog bit me," I mumbled, blushing, pulling my sleeve back down. I looked away from him and laid my head against the window, loving the coolness that it brought to my forehead.

"My name is Jason," he said, starting a conversation. There was shuffling as he tried to get comfortable or something like that.

"Martha," I said, not looking at him. I looked at Mr. Wilds and gave him a 'do I have to talk to him' frown. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right then. I was still pretty tired and pretty annoyed with Mia's behavior with me.

Mr. Wilds chuckled amused, but his eyes had flashed a yes. So, that meant that I had to talk to him.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. However, I was going to listen to my bus driver and talk to him, even though I still wasn't in the mood.

  "So..." He tapped on his books, trying to think of something to say. "What sport do you play?" he asked, casually. "I mean, you do look like that you do play a sport."

I closed my eyes and stayed silent for a few minutes. I was debating on whether or not I should tell him. "Basketball," I said, startling Jason and Mr. Wilds, because I had spoken, and they thought I had fallen asleep. "I play basketball."

"Are you any good?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "With basketball?"

The bus stopped at South Dew High School, and everybody got off of it, including me and Jason.

I looked at him and nodded my head, telling him that I was. However, I didn't say anything else after that moment. After that, I went to my gym class still thinking about what John had said.

"You need to be careful of them all."

The Year of the Wolf (Completed) (Book One of The Almair Series)Where stories live. Discover now