Chapter 30 (Edited)

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A murmur of voices greeted me, while I made it past the trees and into the meeting place. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it was only a month, when I first met everyone. I couldn't help but smile, remembering how scared and nervous I was, because I didn't know what would happen to me.

  I looked around and saw the wolves that I had seen the first month I had been here. Wolves were everywhere, lounging around and watching me. However, something was different. Something was different on the way some acted towards me and such. I realized that the whole pack was like a family. And, I was part of the family, even though I wasn't a wolf just yet.

"Welcome back, Martha," Faolon said, while he came through the center of the crowd of wolves.

The wolves silenced themselves, letting Faolon speak. They watched him, while he came towards me. His head was held high and so was his tail. He had the rank of Alpha after all.

"It's good to be back," I replied, realizing how much I had missed this place. It was fun being in the backyard, because it felt like I belonged here. I didn't feel anything like that, except when I was on the basketball court or running.

He smiled and nodded his head. Faolon looked at the pack getting ready for business. There was still a smile on his face, while everyone watched him, waiting for the news that he would bring to us. "We are gathered here, today, to welcome a new member to the pack," he said, his voice ringing out, so all the wolves could hear him.

The wolves howled in agreement. Some of them stood up and danced a little, before they sat down again, waiting for the new member to arrive.

I glanced around wondering who the new member was. A frown was on my face, and I felt a little sad that I wouldn't be able to turn into a wolf. I thought I had proven myself by killing a Dark Force, but I guess I was wrong.

My parents came up and stood beside me. They looked up at me, pride filling their eyes. My dad smirked, because he knew what I was thinking, by the frown on my face. He brushed against me, indicating that it would be all right.

"Daughter of Annabeth and Jack, please kneel before me," he said.

I did what I was told to do. A frown was on my face, because I didn't know what would happen. I tucked my head close to my body and closed my eyes, not wanting to know if I was going to be punished or not.

"Of what had happened a month ago, I want to offer you a gem that will help you turn into a wolf," he said. There was the sound as if he had lifted something into his mouth.

I looked up at him, surprised and shocked. I looked to see that he was holding a, gray gem, that was called a Moonstone which was on a leather chain, that was hanging from his mouth. I frowned, not knowing what it would do to me. "Will that..."

"It won't hurt you, Martha. It will help you turn into a wolf anywhere. However, you will have to turn the gem to the right to appear in wolf form. When you turn into a tight circle to the left, in wolf form, then you will turn back into your human form," Tupac said, coming up beside Faolon.

Lobo followed Tupac and sat on the other side of him. He stayed silent and nodded his head in agreement.

I looked at Lobo and saw a new sort of respect coming off of him. His eyes shone with pride, as if he was glad that I was finally able to become a wolf.

I took the necklace from Faolon and placed it around my neck. The gem hung close to me collarbone and it was the right size for me. I turned the gem to the right like Tupac had told me to do. A dim glow came over me, and I couldn't help but close my eyes and welcome it.

My whole body started to shift, becoming into a new form. It didn't hurt, but it tingled a bit. After the glow died down, I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing that the trees were a lot bigger than they were before I had changed.

I stood up, feeling slightly wobbly on my four legs. However, I quickly regained my balance and shook myself out. What I had noticed, was that my sound, sight, and smell was much clearer than they were in my human form. I could hear the sound of a babbling brook a mile away and then the murmurs of the wolves around me.

"Oh, Martha," Mom said, breathlessly.

"How do I look?" I asked looking at her. I looked around and found a small pool of water close by to us. I walked over to it, glad that I didn't stumble and looked at myself in it. My eyes winded in surprised, because I was surprised at what I looked like.

My fur was the lightest gray, out of all the wolves. I had small, blue eyes, that looked as if they were made out of sapphires or something. My ears were small, and they had a small bit of white on them. I was short, but I was built for speed. However, my muscles shown through my hide. I tucked my head close to look at my underbelly and saw that I was white underneath. However, there was a pink scar on my left side, where I had gotten stabbed. A part of me knew that it would never heal fully and there would be no fur, covering it.

"Hey, Martha." Nick called, making me look up at him. He was grinning, probably glad that I was a wolf. "Race ya," Nick said before he took off running.

"Cheater!" I called after him, before I started running so that I would be able to catch up to him.

There was some laughter behind me as I caught up to him and passed him. "Go, Martha!" someone yelled.

I enjoyed how the wind blew through my fur, giving me a scent of what was out there. I loved how I was quick and silent on my paws, glad that they could carry me miles and miles upon end without tiring.

I stopped on top of a hill and let out a loud howl, telling everyone that I was happy. I was happy on what I had became.

I was finally a wolf.

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