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❝Even happiness is tinged with sadness because you're not here to share it with me

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Even happiness is tinged with sadness because you're not here to share it with me.
- Ranata Suzuki.

ASHANTI pushed her glasses higher up on her face, the scowl on her face evident as she walked into the doors of the school she hadn't been to in the past week.

She felt the stares of the few people who still lingered around the hallways, glad that none of them cared enough to actually speak to her. She preferred it this way.

Her first class for today was Literature. She could tolerate that. It was the only class she relatively enjoyed, and after having spent the last night reading her butt off, she couldn't handle any of her overbearing teachers. Mrs. Craig was nice enough to not bother her.

She was a few minutes late to the class already, so she opened the door as quietly as she could. She wasn't surprised when the eyes of everyone seated in the class turned to her. She ignored the stares, muttering a greeting to the teacher before moving towards the first empty seat she sighted.

The whispers got louder, and still she pretended to not hear a word they were saying. She knew what everyone was asking anyways.

'Why was she back in school so soon after the tragedy that had occurred?'

However, they would have to keep wondering, because she wouldn't go around telling everyone what was wrong with her.

She heard a slight tap on her table, and looked to the person besides her. Her eyebrows raised in question as she assessed the boy who didn't look familiar to her. He had probably arrived in the week she'd been absent.

He remained silent, and so with a huff she turned back to the front.

She could only hope the rest of the day would fly by quickly.

As soon as Literature class was over, she grabbed her books, and hurried to her next class. She pushed a few people out of her way, only stopping when she felt a hand rest on her shoulder, effectively pulling her back.

"Excuse me," he was much too close for her liking. "Wait, please."

She was sure her face showed the annoyance she felt as she turned to the owner of the voice and hand.

It was the same boy who'd sat besides her in class.


Miles was taken aback by the hostility in her voice. What exactly was up with her?

Choosing to ignore it, he held up the pen in his hand. "You left this back there."

She rolled her eyes. "It's one pen that I could easily replace. You stopped me for this?"

'Why was she so rude?' He wondered, 'She could at least say thank you.'

"I'll keep this then," he said, tucking the black pen back into his pocket. "See you some other time."

He walked past her, catching up with the boys who had offered to show him to his next class.

The girl crossed his mind again, and with a frown, he cursed himself for not getting her name.

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