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❝You're a miracle to me

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❝You're a miracle to me.❞

Finishing her last exam left Ashanti with a strange feeling. Relief was prominent, but there was something else she couldn't put her fingers on. For something that had seemed so grand, it was hard to believe that it was over. So easily. Everything seemed too calm, too empty—or maybe that was because she was yet to find her friends in the crowd of newly freed students.

She could hear the screams and cries of other students, the stress of the past few weeks seeming to break the dam within them. Exams were over. They were finally done. Struggling past the group of girls hugging, she made her wat to the front of the school. A familiar car was already sitting by the curb, and even more familiar faces stood around it.

Jeremiah remained on his phone, but Miles saw her the moment she stepped out of the large doors, a questioning smile on his face.

"It was okay," she smiled, answering the question before he asked. "At least, I think it was okay."

He pulled her into a hug. "I'm sure it was okay," he assured, rubbing her back.

Jeremiah cleared his throat, loudly. "Can you believe it's really over?"

Since he'd successfully ruined their moment with his annoying voice, they pulled back from each other.

"Right," she agreed with a little laugh. "It's just a little weird now that it's over. What are we going to do with all this free time?"

"Worry your sweet little head about that no more," Jerry said as they filed into the car. "I plan on making this the best time of our lives."

Miles laughed. "We know," placing his hand on the accelerator, he asked, "where to, guys?"



The assembly hall was abuzz with excitement, seeing as every graduation student was crammed shoulder to shoulder inside the fairly small hall. Along with the air of excitement, was one of finality; for many of us, this would be the last time we would see each other.

The hall could only fit so many, so only parents were allowed into the hall, and as Ashanti looked back, she saw her father seated at the far end, his eyes already on her. He smiled and sent a little wave her way. "I'm so proud of you," he mouthed and she had to blink repeatedly to prevent the tears from falling.

Turning forward before the tear works could make an appearance, she searched for her friends. Since they were seated in alphabetical order, Jerry was a few seats ahead of her. Sensing her stare on him, he turned, a white smile lighting his face.

"We made it," he mouthed, smiling even wider when she nodded vigorously.

Miles was seated behind her, and she didn't have to turn to know he was already staring at her.

As she toyed with the bracelet on her wrist, the one Miles had given her before the exams began, Principal Jenkins began talking in his not so lovely drone. He said a few lines to congratulate them on graduating, before he called the first person up on stage.

More names were called, and soon enough Ashanti's name was called. She stood to her feet, sucking a deep breath as she made her way up to the stage. She collected her certificate with shaky hands, mumbling a thank you to everyone who congratulated her. Glancing at the crowd, her eyes found her father who was clapping like his life depended on it. Smiling, she sent a kiss his way before letting her eyes wander around the hall.  Her eyes fell on Miles after, and as he sat waiting for his name to be called, his eyes bright and smile even brighter, she came to a conclusion; that this, him, everything was perfect.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.

we're done!

well, there's still the epilogue which will take a little longer to be out (i won't be doing a time jump, so it continues right after this), but it'll definitely be done before my exams begin.

i'll leave the long and sappy note until after the epilogue. this has been a great journey, so stay with me till then please.

anywho, you know the drill. leave your thoughts on this chapter, i love to read them all.

till next time, babies!

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