Meeting an Alchemist

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Hello and welcome to my oneshot story! I'm not a very good writer so I'm very sorry if all of these are bad. I might publish two stories a day of that's ok with you guys. I really hope you enjoy! :D


"Dad come on! You won't let me go anywhere! I'm 14, I should be able to go out and enjoy my life without every guard on my tail!" Here you are again. Arguing with your father, King Fredrick.

Since the day you were born, your father put strict security on you. You were to be watched at all times. Why? Because of your missing older sister Rapunzel.

You didn't think it was her fault. It was whoever took her's fault. Ever since that day about 18 years ago, your father was very heartbroken. You could understand that he didn't want to lose you as well, but his rules were just so overly protective. You wish you had some control over your life.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry, but I can't risk it. Once Rapunzel returns safely, I will allow you to go out by yourself. Until then, you are to remain guarded at all times." Your father walked off and left you in the throne room with Pete, your guard for the day.

"I'm very sorry princess, you know your father cares about you so much." You sigh at Pete's comment, "I know, but still. I do appreciate that he wants me to be safe but.. sometimes it's worth the risk."

Pete nodded and looked out the window, "How about this, tonight you can sneak out while everyone's asleep. I'll make sure no other guards see you." You smiled at Pete. He was letting you leave the castle, by yourself!

You hugged Pete and said, "Thank you so much, Pete! I'll make sure I'm back before sunrise!"

A few minutes later...

You grabbed your (F/C) cloak and packed a couple of snacks into your satchel. You then heard a small knock on your bedroom door.

"Come in!"

Your door opened and Pete poked his head inside the room, "You ready princess?" You nodded and walked over to Pete.

"I made sure everyone was asleep, I'm still going to stick by you in case anyone is around."

"Thanks, Pete. I really appreciate what you're doing for me. Although, I am worried my dad will be disappointed in me." You said and you looked down, you were scared of disappointing your parents.

Pete rubbed your back and you looked at him. "I'm sure you can work things out with him if he finds out."

"If he does, I won't tell him that you snuck me out." You and Pete smiled at each other and Pete lead you out of your room.

You snuck past many guards and headed to the front doors of the castle. From there, you knew how to sneak out beyond the castle boundaries. You gave Pete a "goodbye hug" and said, "Thank you again Pete, I couldn't have done this without you!"

Pete bowed to you and waved goodbye and you headed out of the castle completely. This was your first time walking across the stone bridge that went across the ocean. You looked back in case you saw anyone else, but all you saw was Pete heading back to the castle.

You smiled and started running across the bridge. Surprisingly, your flat shoes were silent while hitting the stone floor. Tonight you would make this night special. For yourself.

Once you got across the bridge, you felt more alive. Free to do whatever you wanted. You walked through the trees and bushes, admiring the scenery. You stopped once you were in front of a small village.

You heard about this village before. Old Corona. You met the leader once, his name was Quirin. He was a friend of your fathers and you heard he had a son around your age. You couldn't remember his son's name, however.

You walked around the small village, making sure not to step on any branches to draw attention to yourself. Despite being a small village, you felt comfortable here.

You sat down on a patch of grass and looked up at the stars. You wish you knew more about the stars and what was beyond them.

Just as you were getting comfortable. You heard a small animal noise come from some bushes. You looked around to see where the animal could be but you couldn't see it. All of a sudden, a small raccoon jumped into your lap and chittered happily.

You jumped a bit but smiled at the cute little creature in your lap. You patted his head, the raccoon rubbed against you and you smiled even more.

"Rudiger? Where did you go?" You heard a voice and you started to panic. You then heard footsteps getting closer to you. You picked up the raccoon and put him on the ground. He looked at you confused as you climbed a small tree.

"Rudiger? Oh! There you are you little sneaky raccoon!" A boy who seemed to be around your age picked up the raccoon and hugged him. The raccoon, or Rudiger, seemed preoccupied with your poor hiding spot.

You tried your best to stay hidden but Rudiger's gaze made the boy curious. "What are you looking at little buddy?" The boy looked up at you. You could get a better look at his features.

Black hair with chestnut highlights and a blue streak running through his bangs, goggles on top of his head, beautiful sky blue eyes, and freckles. You smiled nervously at the boy and waved shyly at him. He smiled back and let his raccoon friend climb onto his shoulders.

"Need help getting down milady?" He put his gloved hands on his hips. You giggled and nodded, this was your first time climbing a tree. You had no idea how to get down.

The boy held out his arms and you grabbed onto him. He slowly helped you down and crossed his arms. "First time climbing a tree?"

"How did you know?" You replied with a small laugh.

"The names Varian, what's your name?" He stuck out his hand to you. Varian, now you remember. "(Y/N), you're Quirin's son aren't you?" You took his hand and shook it.

"How do you know?" He pulled his hand away and gave you a small mischievous grin. "Your father is friends with my dad, King Fredrick."

"Wait, you're the princess?" He bowed to you and you rolled your eyes but smiled at him. "Yes I am, but don't call me Princess (Y/N). I'm fine with just (Y/N)"

"Isn't your dad like, super protective of you?" Varian asked. You sighed, "Unfortunately yes. I have to be 'guarded at all times' as my father would say" You made small air quotes and crossed your arms.

"Then where's your guard?" Varian looked around to see if you two were being watched by your so-called "guard". You laughed and shook your head. "Don't have one, at least not tonight."

You told him about how Pete snuck you out of the castle because of your dad being too overprotective. You told him about your sister and how she went missing and that was the main reason for the guards having to watch you 24/7.

Varian seemed to actually listen to you. Not many people do so back at home. "My dad is protective of me, but not that much. He's usually protective of me because of my experiments." Varian rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

"Experiments? Are you like a scientist?" You said as your (E/C) eyes sparkled in excitement. Varian seemed to blush a little, and he laughed a little nervously.

"To be specific, I'm an alchemist. I work to find and make new elements." "Can I see some of your experiments Varian?" You replied. You've never met an alchemist before and you really wanted to see a new element!

"Well I could but, I don't want my dad waking up and noticing I'm in my lab again." He said. Varian has his own lab! Man, you wanted to see it!

"Can we pleeeaaase see your lab? I've always wanted to see new elements!" Varian smiled sweetly and said, "Oh why not? You are the princess after all." He held out his hand to you. "Shall we then, milady?"

You giggled and took his hand. The two of you headed to his home. You were so happy to have made a new friend today.


I might make a part 2, ONLY IF you guys want one! Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! :3

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